Do air purifiers help with dust?
It is next to impossible to keep dust out as much as you may want to. Unfortunately, there is more dust because of more traffic and vehicles that have added to the air pollution. However hard you try to keep your indoor space clean and dust-free, you are going to find a film of dust coating all surfaces. In fact, your wiping the dust only makes it circulate and land elsewhere instead of leaving entirely.
Why you should care about dust in the air?
Should you care about the dust? Yes, because dust is an irritant. Dust irritates the skin, eyes, nose, and throat often leading to respiratory illness if you are allergic. Dust is also considered an allergen that causes sneezing and your eyes to water. Even those that are not allergic can be impacted negatively.
We pay a high price if we live in a region that is prone to dust and a home that is permeated with dust.
Do air purifiers really remove dust?
An air purifier, as the name suggests, purifies the air by removing dust and other air pollutants. It contains a fan and filter with the filtration technology of either the HEPA filtering or the newer PECO technology. Essentially, the air gets passed through the unit, and the air pollutants get trapped by the filter. The air that is cleaned or in other words, purified gets past the filter and into the room.
Which is a good quality air purifier that removes the most dust?
Medify MA-25 Air Purifier is one that has an H13 True HEPA filter to prevent dust, odors, pet dander, and smoke. The HEPA filter is known to remove more than 99.9% of dust particles. It is a noiseless air purifier that has 3 fan speeds, where the lowest setting is most quiet. It runs at 110 volts and has a minimum noise level of 35db and a maximum noise level of 51db.
It can also be put into a sleep mode to dim the air purifier’s display panel lights. It has replaceable True HEPA filters that are dual filters with three layers, and easy-to-use features including touch screen operations, filter replacement indicator, child lock, and sleep mode.
Using an air purifier in homes has become common because of dust particles that fill the air and because people are becoming increasingly sensitive to dust. But, it will still help to understand the pros and cons of using an air purifier indoors.
Pros of Medify MA-25 air purifiers:
The best air purifiers keep homes odor-free. This is especially useful in urban areas where there are too many structures that block the free circulation of air. Sweaty socks, messy trash cans, vehicular emissions, all bring in foul odor. An air purifier can keep these odors out.
Air purifiers for dust removal are commonly used in homes to keep the pollution outside and they help in keeping the indoor environment dust-free and healthy.
Homes with no separate smoking zone don’t have to smell smoke throughout the house and affect the children, elderly, and non-smokers.
Free of vapors:
Vapors from paint fumes, varnishes, etc. are volatile organic compounds that are barely noticeable but are harmful agents. Keeping them out through the best air purifier promotes better living conditions.
Air purifiers can keep your homes well-ventilated, without relying heavily on energy supplies, making them energy-efficient.
Keeping household dust out means also keeping allergens out. Pet dander and microorganisms that pets bring indoors can fill your homes with not just pet smells but also other allergens that can trigger asthma attacks. Air purifiers help keep such allergens out without having to spray any room fresheners.
There is no ignoring the fact that the air quality is worsening day by day. Air purifiers are evolving through advanced and innovative technology making them as useful as possible given the current air quality. The fact remains that air purifiers can protect you and your loved ones from contracting respiratory difficulties and improving air quality in your homes.
The best air purifiers have complex filtration systems to trap dust particles, microorganisms, and other pollutants. They also help with allergies by preventing the entry of various allergens and airborne contaminants into the air. Therefore, air purifiers are beneficial in the long term as long as they are regularly serviced and maintained to operate at optimum efficiency.
How to Get Rid of Dust At Home naturally? [In 5 Easy Steps]

Did you know that there are ways in which you can keep the dust out naturally? They are simple and easy to follow. Here’s how:
Fix a daily cleaning routine
If you can prevent the entry of dust, you have won half the battle. While it is not entirely possible, an attempt at setting a daily routine can go a long way to keeping your home dust-free. Missing a day or two may not be bad, but it is best to make sure that too many days don’t go by when the dust keeps accumulating. Cleaning it later rather than sooner can be overwhelming.
Organised cleaning
Cleaning in a haphazard manner can make things worse. It is better to be organized even in cleaning your home. Common sense suggests that if you clean the fixtures after vacuuming the carpet, the dust will settle on to the cleaned carpet. So, cleaning from top to bottom is recommended. Mopping the floor or vacuuming should ideally come last.
Dusting and wiping surfaces
Using microfiber cleaning cloths and tools is the best as they capture the tiniest of dust particles with ease. Wiping down areas that are commonly more prone to gathering household dust, including blinds, cobwebs in the corners, room corners, closets, lampshades, etc. must be routine.
Regular vacuuming of dust particles
Brooms are not effective because they merely circulate the dust instead of removing them. Vacuuming, on the other hand, is more effective as it sucks up the dust completely, especially in heavy-traffic areas. Such areas may require vacuuming twice or three times a week while the less frequented parts of the home can be vacuumed once a week.
Remove clutter
Keeping homes clutter-free can be a major step to keeping the space free from dust. Items that are not used regularly tend to form piles of clutter that are a haven for dust particles and dust mites. Keeping clutter in check can help not only in a free cleaning effort but also in leaving no room for dust to gather.
FAQ Section
1. How Often Do You Need To Change An Air Purifier’s Filter?
The air purifier’s filters are best changed every 3 – 6 months. But, for those suffering from allergies or asthma, the filters should be changed every 30 – 60 days. Manufacturers will offer recommendations as to the frequency of changing air purifier filters, depending on the type of air purifiers.
2. What exactly are dust mites?
Dust mites are insect-like pests and are microscopic. They produce common allergens that trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks. Dust mites can usually be found in mattresses, upholstery, carpets, and curtains.
3. What is the Best Type of Air Purifier for Dust?
The best type of air purifier is one that has HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters because they can remove up to 99.9% of dust particles to control the dust inside homes.
4. Does an air purifier make a big difference?
Studies show that air purifiers can make a big difference to the air quality by removing dust, allergens, mold, mildew, and smoke.
5. Do doctors recommend air purifiers?
Doctors have offered mixed responses as to the efficacy of air purifiers. But, they are clear on the fact that the air quality has become poor and continues to have pollutants that harm the respiratory health of children and adults. Seasonal allergies can present problems making eyes water, itchiness, and cause sneezing and coughing. Pet dander and pollen are also causes of allergic reactions. Air purifiers, if well maintained, can filter the dust and keep allergies at bay.
6. How do air purifiers work in polluted environment?
Air purifiers primarily work on sanitising air. Air that is filled with pollutants produces allergens and toxins that cause ill health. Naturally, clean air is hard to find and air purifiers work to purify the air before circulating it back into the room.
7. Do air purifiers remove toxins?
Air purifiers can filter most pollutants from the air; but, the filters may not work well against volatile organic compounds. However, some of the airborne particles can be toxic and they enter the room along with tiny dust particles. Therefore, air purifiers do serve their purpose of controlling the air indoors.
Are you looking for a way to keep your home environment fresh and clean? Air purifiers remove dust and could be the answer as they improve air quality by sending in cleaned and purified air by filtering all the unwanted tiny particles.