Dehumidifier Vs. DampRid. Know the difference.
Moisture in the air is a serious problem for almost every homeowner. Most of them are forever on the lookout for different alternatives that can handle the humidity in their environment.
When left untreated, high humidity can cause serious mold damage in any house; you may be at the risk of having hazardous mildew and mold growth in your rooms, closets, RV, travel trailer, cabinets, kitchen, or any area that is exposed to the increased moisture level. To have control over this humidity problem, we can always seek the help of dehumidifiers.
Although there are many options for moisture absorbers, today we discuss the pros and cons when it comes down to Damprid vs Dehumidifier. Let us discuss in detail the benefits of dehumidifiers, what one receives when they use DampRid, the various factors that influence the effectiveness of using DampRid, and more.
With that being said, let’s head to knowing which is the better option when it boils down to DampRid vs dehumidifier.
Does DampRid lower humidity?
You can be confident that a bucket of DampRid will most certainly help you to remove moisture from the air. However, there are exceptions when the effectiveness of DampRid is most appreciated and when it is not the right product to be used.
If you asked, ‘Can Damprid can lower the humidity level in the air?‘, the answer is ‘Yes, it can!‘.
To understand how DampRid performs moisture control in a home or the spaces where it is placed, one needs to know more about the ways in which this product works. Excess moisture or water in the air leads to high humidity levels in the atmosphere. Staying in an area that is heavy with water vapor in the air can become extremely difficult to be in.
This is where you can make use of DampRid crystals, which is obviously a cheap way to dehumidify without spending any additional cost on electricity.
It is not news what DampRid can do. This product is nothing but non-toxic, inorganic mineral salt called calcium chloride along with sodium chloride, and potassium chloride. They look like larger crystals of rock salt and have been used to melt snow and ice for a long time now.
More people turn towards DampRid than salt or rock salt since the combination of calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and potassium chloride does very little harm to concrete. Be it moisture removal or melting ice, you just have to keep these crystals handy to get the work done.
DampRid is a good choice to remove excess water vapor or moisture in the air which will subsequently bring the humidity level down to be more comfortable and breathable. Are you wondering how this works? It is nothing but some simple science behind the mechanism. The calcium chloride crystals are naturally equipped to attract and absorb moisture from the air. These moisture-laden crystals, by the process of condensation, convert the moisture into water drops.
These come down like water and get collected in the container kept under the DampRid crystals. All you require to use this product is just a container to place the crystals in and a container to collect the water. With this you are good to go, you do not require any electricity to have moisture removal performed using DampRid. Remember to keep a close watch on the water container overflowing.
Damprid vs Dehumidifier: Which one is quicker??
Both DampRid and Dehumidifier are good types of moisture absorbers. The situations they come in help make a difference. For immediate moisture control, one could resort to DampRid, to just absorb the water around, either from a leak or from a room air that is humid.
Here again, the parameters will differ, because when you have to choose between DampRid vs Dehumidifier, a dehumidifier works far better to regulate the humidity in the air, an RV, or any area it is placed in. But, to run dehumidifiers you require an electricity supply and in places where you cannot have a power supply but require humidity control, you can make use of DampRid.
It is indeed a quicker and ideal choice to remove water from the air or any place when it comes to small spaces. You can save energy costs by using DampRid instead of dehumidifiers when the former can be relied upon; depending on the spaces meant to be covered.
When to use DampRid?
As aforementioned, DampRid crystals are the perfect choice for small spaces, not so much for large spaces. Many people opt for DampRid for enclosed areas. To mention a few, small RV, vacation homes, a house or room that has been out of use for a long, closets, basements, cabinets, hotel rooms, unused buildings like offices, hotels, etc.
The few contributing factors to increased humidity in any room or home are the appliances that are running. Breathing, dishwashers in use, washing machines, showers, etc., are the basic functions that spike the humidity levels in the environment. When the amount of moisture in the atmosphere is increased, and there is no more room for the heat generated from your body to escape the room becomes difficult to stay in.
To handle such a situation DampRid is helpful, but only for a small space.
An RV and boat can make the best use of DampRid, especially when you have some cost-cutting in mind to minimise the expenditure on electricity or battery used. Here again, DampRid cannot be used in all RVs or every portion of an RV. Although, on any given day dehumidifiers are better in function and capacity in comparison to DampRid.
This is because for any dehumidifier to work you require airflow, and that device can create it. DampRid on the other hand is not capable of creating air flow and carrying out dehumidification. It is best recommended only for spaces with limited airflow, even if it is within an RV or boat. Closets, cabinets, under a dinette bench, etc., are those places where you can keep a bag of DampRid to keep the portion moisture-free and mold-free. You get to experience a fresh environment while also getting the work done.
Any locked-up space that has mold growing or has a good chance of developing mold and mildew can benefit from using DampRid. It is important to note that DampRid has the capacity only to cover small rooms and not large ones. If you are ever faced with the need to use DampRid to cover a large room, you can use more than one container, kept in different corners of the room.
A single container of DampRid does not have the capacity to perform moisture removal across a full house. Continual use of Damprid within your closets, cabinets, bathrooms, and other small enclosed regions; with timely refills, will guarantee the complete prevention of all types of mold and mildew.
When to use Dehumidifier?
A dehumidifier is the best-recommended device to keep any given space from moisture and increased humidity. There are different types and sizes of dehumidifiers that serve various purposes. Based on where you need dehumidification and how often, you can also pick up dehumidifiers that would suit your need or your home’s need. There is more than one reason to use a dehumidifier. Here are a few:
Climate: Many parts of the country have weather conditions that are naturally humid. Increased moisture in the air makes it uncomfortable to stay in since it leaves very little room for the body heat to escape. Such areas can make use of dehumidifiers to increase the level of comfort.
Mold: Mold, mildew, dust mites, allergens: each of these poses more damage than what’s visible to the naked eye. Property and things that were affected due to mold might even require you to get rid of all the things damaged and start afresh because mold will definitely find a way to creep back in. This process will cost a huge sum and time.
Moreover, the diseases that arise from these allergens are equally bad and call for immediate action. There are plentiful skin-related and respiratory diseases that can come up when one has mold growth at home.
Water leak: Many homeowners choose to keep places that prone to water leak dry and free from stagnant water. However, both the products; DampRid and Dehumidifier do not have the capacity to absorb stagnated water or water leaks. You will still have to resolve the problem with the help of a professional plumber, but you can use a dehumidifier or even DampRid to absorb the dampness around the region. Remember to take precautions when you plug in a dehumidifier to the electricity supply near a waterlogged area.
There are two main types of dehumidifiers that are helpful in water removal from the air; electric dehumidifiers and rechargeable dehumidifiers.
The former is further dived into 3 main categories: thermo-electric dehumidifier, compressor dehumidifier, and desiccant dehumidifier.
Rechargeable dehumidifiers could be a bag or canister of absorbent gel; mostly silica gel which can be recharged in the oven or microwave easily. Just like DampRid, silica gel is an ideal choice to cover an enclosed small space. Silica gel is also available packed inside small bags. This can be tossed inside a sports bag, cabinets, drawers, etc. If there is a place that needs to keep away musty odor, this can come to your rescue.
Thermo-electric dehumidifiers use a device that works to pump heat from one side to the other. During the course of action, it leaves the moisture at the bottom of the device.
Compressor dehumidifiers are best suited for warmer rooms like the laundry room.
This is because the compressor coils can build up frost in a colder room which can become a hindrance to the capacity and function of the dehumidifier. The room air will be pulled in, pass over the cold evaporator coil, and the water extracted collects in a bucket or container below.
Desiccant dehumidifiers are a great choice for unheated rooms. A desiccant dehumidifier does its thing by using a wheel made of zeolite. This wheel absorbs the moisture as it is drawn through it. If you are looking for quiet or silent performance dehumidifiers, then a desiccant dehumidifier is the best pick for your home, office, caravan, etc.
Does DampRid help with mold?
To answer that question, ‘Yes, DampRid does help with mold!’. If you encounter a mold problem at the home, office, or even inside your shoe bag, it needs to be acted upon without any delay. In scenarios where a dehumidifier can be avoided and the cost is an issue, you could always resort to DampRid for action against mold. By absorbing excess water content from the air, the humidity level in the atmosphere is brought under control. This removes the chances of mold from developing. DampRid crystals are indeed an effective choice for mold removal, on a small scale.
How long does DampRid last?
Most users agree that DampRid can last anywhere between 45 days to 60 days, after which the crystals have to be replaced. However, this time limit depends entirely on the heat and humidity levels in the environment the product has been kept to act upon.
Which one is the best to reduce humidity in an RV?
Both the products, DampRid, and dehumidifier, are equally good at reducing humidity in an RV. Here again, it depends on the conditions inside the RV. If the RV is small and has limited to zero air flow, DampRid will serve as a good choice. If the RV is large and has air flow, you must consider investing in a dehumidifier that is build to adequately cover the entire RV.
DampRid Pure Linen Refillable Moisture Absorber Review
Handle excess humidity with ease using DampRid Refillable Moisture Absorbers. These are convenient 10. 5-ounce cups, made to specifically attract and trap excess moisture out of the air. This 10.5-ounce Easy Refill lasts up to 60 days (depending on the humidity and the temperature) and each pack has four cups available in it. It is extremely simple and hassle-free to use.
All you got to do is remove the lid from the empty moisture absorber canister and drop a refill pack into the crystal tray, and then replace the lid back. This simple dehumidification process can be used to keep away musty odor and moisture in closets, bathrooms, laundry rooms, pantries, storage, basements, garages, stored boats, and RVs.
Pros and Cons of DampRid Pure Linen Refillable Moisture Absorber:
‣ Simple to use, hassle-free
‣ Smells good
‣ Cost-effective solution
‣ Excellent capacity to handle humidity trouble in small spaces
‣ Linen scent might not appeal to everyone
Pro Breeze Dehumidifier Review
Here is the perfect small dehumidifier to get rid of excess humidity in the air; be it for your home, workplace, boat, or RV. Pro Breeze Electric Dehumidifier comes with a 52-ounce water tank capacity, with the ability to remove 18 ounces of water per day. It can cover up to 2200 cubic feet and works effectively above 15°C / 59°F. The built-in Thermo Electric Peltier Cooling Technology operates without a compressor, which means you get silent operation. Other features include auto-shutoff and the LED light indicator, which will turn-on indicating the water tank needs draining. This mini dehumidifier is ideal for home, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, caravan, garage, closet.
Pros and Cons of Pro Breeze Dehumidifier:
‣ Hassle-free usage
‣ Portable and compact design
‣ Minimal noise level
Wrapping Up
With this, we have reached the end of the article. Hope you are clear on the functions and uses of DampRid and Dehumidifiers. Carefully evaluate where you require humidity to be controlled and which of these two products will be the ideal choice before you make a purchase. Let us know in the comments if you have faced excess humidity in your home, how do you handle humidity trouble in your home, and which dehumidifiers work best for you.