Are air purifiers safe

Are air purifiers safe?

Air purifiers have been marketed as products that improve indoor air quality. Pollution and other factors have caused the indoor air quality in many urban areas to steadily deteriorate. Poor air quality can make health issues like asthma and allergies even worse.

Continuing to breathe contaminated air can lead to long-term health impacts. Air purifiers remove airborne contaminants to circulate clean air through your household. There have been many shifts in this product’s history. While some of them have been good advancements, there have also been setbacks.

Not all air purifiers are made with the same technology. Some air purifiers can live up to their name and provide fresh and pure air, while others do nothing to change indoor air quality. When choosing an air purifier for your household, there are several factors to consider.

This article explores all the intricacies of air purifiers. It examines myths and facts concerning this common household product. If you are unsure about purchasing an air purifier for your household, this guide will help you gain clarity. It will help you make a decision that suits you and your family. 

Can air purifiers make you sick?

Air purifiers that use ozone can be harmful to your health. This is especially the case for people who are sensitive to respiratory irritants who suffer from asthma attacks and allergies. Even small amounts of ozone exposure can cause health problems.

Health issues like throat irritation, chest pain, and inflammation can be observed. These signs can be noticed in as little as a seven-hour period. Prolonged exposure can cause irreversible damage to organs amidst other respiratory problems.

Ozone is an unstable and reactive molecule. This can cause dangerous reactions to other household products. For example, cleaners release carcinogenic compounds. Objects containing rubber or plastic also react with ozone to release a toxic gas that is harmful to health.

Ozone generator air purifiers are the only type of air purifiers that can actively make you sick. While choosing an air purifier for your household it is best to avoid ozone generator purifiers at all costs.

Ozone generators are not recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as air-cleaning devices. They have been marketed as air purifiers in a loophole that confuses consumers. This has caused a bad reputation for the air purifier market.

Opting for an ozone-free air purifier will ensure you get a safe and effective air purifier that will not make you sick.

Is it safe to run an air purifier all the time?

Air Purifier Near Plants

Since low air quality is a continuous problem that is pervasive, air purifiers are designed to work around the clock. Good quality air purifiers come equipped with high-end motors that are quiet, energy-efficient, and can last for several years. It is recommended to keep your purifier on and running even during the night or when you are away from home.

Switching off your air purifier will lead to dust, mold, and other pollutants contaminating the air again. This negates the purification process, hence you should not switch off your air purifier. If you are worried that a continuously running appliance will increase your utility bills, you can rest assured that this is not the case.

Air purifiers consume very little electricity and will cost between six and ten dollars monthly to keep running. They are designed to work 24/7 to provide clean air inside your home. It is absolutely safe to keep an air purifier running all the time, and it is in fact recommended.

How to pick a safe and effective air purifier?

Not all air purifiers are created equal. Before examining the options available in the market, it is important to understand what makes an air purifier a good choice. The quality of an air purifier is highly dependent on the type of filter they use. Currently, the standards set for the industry are HEPA filters.

HEPA filters

HEPA stands for high-efficiency particulate air. They capture particles from moving air using a dense arrangement of fibers. HEPA filters use the physics of particles moving through air to remove them from the airflow.

This is a simple but highly effective operation that has made HEPA filters appear commonly in good-quality air purifiers. 

While HEPA is the standard many manufacturers aim to achieve, there are other factors to be considered. To be advertised as HEPA, a product need only use HEPA paper which is used in HEPA filters. This however does not mean that the whole product is efficient enough to meet HEPA requirements.

An efficient filter can be let down by poor housing design. If there are gaps or flaws in the housing design, unfiltered air can pass around the filter through small openings. This leakage reduces the overall efficiency of the air purifier. 

While manufacturers claim 100% of particles are removed from the air, a flawed design can realistically lower this number to 80% or less. 

HEPA filters are great at filtering particles but they do not filter gas or odor. If you are concerned about filtering more than just particles, you can go beyond HEPA.

Activated carbon filters

Activated carbon filters are excellent options for more filtering capabilities. They work by exposing carbon to oxygen. The carbon surface area is enormous with countless open pores.

When air passes through, gas and pollutant molecules are absorbed into the carbon pores. This makes activated carbon filters a great choice for filtering out gas and odor. They can even filter chemical pollutants like automobile exhaust.

Activated carbon filters are not as good at removing particles. They are best used in conjunction with HEPA filters to ensure that all contaminants are removed from the air in your household.

Electrostatic filters

Electrostatic filters are another innovative option. They are extremely similar to HEPA filters but do not use traditional air filters. They use an electric charge to trap particles as they travel through the air. Charged particles stick to the sides of the filters, allowing only pure air to exit through the filter.

These filters can be cost-effective as filters do not need frequent replacement. Such filters are cheaper than traditional ones and will need less replacement as the air in your household gets cleaner. They can also be a good solution for smaller rooms as well. Electrostatic filters are convenient and low-cost. This makes them a great choice for air purification in your household.

These are currently the best choices amongst air filters. You can pick the most effective option for your household depending on your budget, area, and needs.

What is the safest air purifier?

HEPA air filters have been in use for a long time. They were conceived way back in the 1940s as a way to protect soldiers from atomic radiation on World War 2 battlefields. The long history of this technology has offered documented proof of their safety and efficiency. As such, you cannot go wrong with a True HEPA filter.

Air purifiers made with HEPA filters are recommended by doctors and are even safe for babies and pets for daily use. Purchasing a well-made purifier from a known brand will also ensure safety and efficiency. While any purifier that doesn’t produce ozone is considered safe, HEPA air purifiers are the safest option. The long history and reliable technology make HEPA the safest option amongst air purifiers. 

FAQ Section

1. What should you avoid in an air purifier?

Ozone generators

The number one thing to avoid in an air purifier is the ozone-generating element. Ozone is notoriously bad for health and should be avoided as much as possible.

Air ionizers

Another type of purifier to avoid is air ionizers. They work by sending out negatively charged ions that attract positively charged ions in pollutants. This causes particles in pollutants to leave the air and stick to surfaces. Many popular air purifiers use ionization technology.

Research suggests that these purifiers can stop infectious mold and bacteria from spreading. While this is useful, there are also drawbacks. Ionizers don’t remove particles from the air, they merely stick to surfaces in close proximity.

While there is no harm in particles sticking to walls or curtains, these particles can also enter your body. Particles that stick to your internal airways such as windpipes and lungs can cause respiratory problems. Ionizers can also produce ozone molecules which needs to be avoided as far as possible. 

UV light purifiers

Another ozone-producing purifier to avoid is one with UV light technology. Although the ozone produced is in very small amounts, a UV light purifier is not the most effective air cleaner. Ultraviolet light is used industrially to kill bacteria and viruses.

Your purifier at home doesn’t shine enough light to be effective enough to rid your household of infection. UV light cannot get rid of pollutant particles either. While purifiers shield you from UV light, even the smallest exposure to it can cause permanent damage to your body.

UV light filters are marketed to be used in combination with other air filter technology.

While they may appear to greatly increase filtration, more often than not, UV light is not effective for home use. UV light is best used for industrial purposes and should be avoided for home use.

2. Do air purifiers give off radiation?

Air purifiers do not emit harmful radiation. They only emit electromagnetic radiation of low frequency. This type of radiation is found in common electronics such as your wall sockets and is absolutely safe.

The ill-effects of air purifiers do not come from radiation, but from the production of ozone as has been mentioned before. As long as you do not use an ozone-producing air purifier, you do not have to worry about damage caused by radiation.

3. Are air purifiers safe for babies?

In general, air purifiers are safe for babies. They remove harmful contaminants from the air and can actually make your baby healthier. You can take some precautions like placing your air purifier in an area your baby cannot access.

Air purifiers often have fans and plug into wall sockets. By keeping it away from your baby, you reduce the risk of injured fingers or electrocution. 

Make sure you use air purifiers that use physical filters. This traps pollutants in a filter that you can wash or replace when it becomes dirty. There are no harmful byproducts, just clean air. As mentioned before, avoid any type of purifier that produces ozone. Ozone exposure can severely harm your baby.

As long as you use a good-quality air filter and keep it away from your baby, there is no risk involved. Air purifiers can provide clean air and are safe for your baby as long as you take the necessary precautions.

4. Are air purifiers with ionizers safe?

There are conflicting opinions on the safety of ionizers. Generally speaking, ionizers can reduce the number of pollutants in the air. They’ve been known to reduce the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses. They use negatively charged ions to attract positively charged particles in the air.

However, they don’t eliminate harmful particles but cause the particles to stick to nearby surfaces. Since there are particles of different sizes that contaminate air, this can become a problem if particles enter your body.

Ions themselves are safe to breathe, but there is a chance of particles sticking to your airways rather than your walls or curtains. Ionizers also produce ozone which can further complicate respiratory problems. Some ionizers come with collection plates to catch particles after the ionization process. These ionizers also produce very little or no ozone and can be considered safe. The answer to whether ionizers are safe is highly dependent on choosing the correct model.

Not all ionizers are safe as they are unregulated. Unlike HEPA which is strictly monitored, there are several ionizer purifiers that can be harmful. If you are considering an ionizer, be sure to do your research and be convinced of the safety standards. Air purifiers with ionizers can be safe to use only if you choose the right one.

5. Do air purifiers improve health?

Air purifiers remove contaminants from the air and circulate clean air through your household. Better quality indoor air has several health benefits. It alleviates the symptoms of asthma, allergies, and other respiratory illnesses. The removal of pollutants from the air has also been shown to alter blood chemistry to improve cardiac health.

Studies have shown that blood pressure and heart rates have been improved after installing air purifiers. People of all ages can benefit from better air quality. Air purifiers definitely improve health, especially in the lungs and heart.

6. Can air purifiers cause carbon monoxide?

Air purifiers do not produce carbon monoxide in the cleaning process. They also cannot completely remove carbon monoxide from the air unless certain requirements are met. The size of your room and how much air your purifier can circulate are important factors.

Air purifiers with active carbon filters are more effective at filtering carbon monoxide. Small amounts of carbon monoxide can be filtered through air purifiers. Large leaks however cannot be addressed by air purifiers. It is best to seek professional help if you suspect carbon monoxide leaks in your household. 

Wrapping Up

The need for clean indoor air is becoming more essential as the number of pollutants in the air increases over time. Air purifiers offer a solution for providing clean breathable air in your household. It can be a daunting task to find the right type of purifier for your home. Especially when the market is full of products that are either ineffective or harmful.

Picking a good air purifier can offer several health benefits that make your investment worthwhile. This guide examines the intricacies of the air purifier market to help you navigate its choppy waters. A good-quality air purifier has become an essential household product to ensure clean air for you and your loved ones.


About The Author

Olivia — a self-confessed air quality addict — is a home climate enthusiast, fresh air advocate, and someone with deep personal experience and knowledge about mold extermination. Her work was mentioned in countless notable humidity publications. Previously she was an editor at Mold Remediation.

How long to run air purifier

How long to run air purifier?

We can expect an air purifier to purify a room in less than 45 minutes, depending on the size of the room. It also depends on the chosen power setting, the filters in the air purifier, and the ACH. The weather and the location also play a big role in how efficient the air purifier is in cleaning the air.

For instance, there may be an increase in pollen during summers, and the air purifier may take a little longer to purify the room. Since air pollutants continue to remain and the need to keep the indoor air clean is more or less constant, air purifiers are designed to run 24/ 7. 

Is it safe to run an air purifier all the time?

Blueair air purifier with filter

Air purifiers have features like an air quality indicator that tells you when the air in the room has been cleaned or when the air quality is poor and needs cleaning. But, not all air purifiers come with such an indicator. That is when you start wondering if it is safe to run the unit all the time. 

Nevertheless, it is clear that you should run the air purifier throughout the day, i.e., 24 hours a day. That is the only way you can be sure that the air is free of pollutants and allergens. Air purifiers are built to run all the time without any risk of failure or damage. 

The air indoors can get contaminated quickly. So, switching the air purifier on and off will not help. The idea of using an air purifier is to make sure that you enjoy clean and purified air all the time. 

How long does air purifier take to work?

fresh air purifier

An air purifier can take anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours to clean the air indoors. In around 20 minutes, you are likely to feel the difference in air quality. Several factors come into play for an air purifier to be effective, such as extraction rate, model, filter, room size, etc. 

CADR specification

CADR, in other words, clean air delivery rate, is a way to measure the performance of an air purifier. The rating determines the volume of air that is cleaned per minute, depending on the airborne particles.

Therefore, the air purifier is tested against pollutants of varying sizes, including smoke, pollen, and dust. CADR is represented by multiplying the CFM by the filter’s efficiency. If the air filter is rated at 200 CFM with 80% efficiency, you would have a CADR of 160. 

Room Size

It is essential to have the room measured before installing an air purifier. If you place the unit in a bigger space, it will have to work harder to clean the air or be ineffective. The same air purifier will be highly effective in a room of appropriate size. 

Air extraction rate

The air extraction rate is the amount of air that the air purifier can clean per hour. It determines how quickly the air purifier can clean the air. It is measured in terms of air changes.

For instance, an air purifier with four air changes per hour will clean air twice as fast as one with only two air changes per hour.


HEPA filters are the standard in air purifiers. Some models have activated carbon filters in addition to these standard filters. Generally, one strong filter is enough as too many filters will make the airflow slower, and there will be a higher resistance to trap the pollutants. That means that air purifiers with several filters may need to run for longer to clean the air.

How often should you run an air purifier?

It is best to run an air purifier throughout the day for optimum results. But, if you cannot do that for some reason, you can switch the unit on and keep it at the highest setting for around 30 minutes before using the room. It may also take as much as an hour to remove airborne particles, depending on the size of the room.

You can turn down the setting from highest to 2-3 levels below after the first 30 minutes and continue to let the air purifier run at a lower setting.

How to save electricity when using an air purifier?

You can save electricity by using a high-efficient air purifier. Older models or those with damaged filters need to work harder to remove the dust and other airborne pollutants, thereby using more electricity. But, a high-quality air purifier allows a lower speed setting for the fan to function effectively using less energy.  

What is the most energy efficient air purifier?

There are several models of air purifiers in the market. If you are looking to buy the most energy-efficient unit, it would have to be the Blueair Blue 311 Auto Medium Room Air Purifier. It is ideal for medium-sized rooms and removes 99.97% of airborne particles, including dust, dust mites, pollen, pet dander, bacteria, and viruses.

The Blueair Blue 311 air purifier has an intuitive auto mode that automatically adjusts to current air quality. It has a sensor that reports the real-time condition of the air. It also has a combination filter that traps odors and comes with a HEPA silent technology, with 23-53 dB noise levels. The filter is made of washable fabric. 

FAQ Section

1.  Can you sleep with air purifier on?

You can certainly sleep with the air purifier on and be safe as it is no different from having it on when awake. You may need to ensure that the purifier is not blowing air directly into your face. You will continue breathing clean air, and the silent air purifier will ensure a peaceful sleep.  

2. What happens when you turn your purifier off?

By turning off the air purifier, you will be allowing pollutants to accumulate again and make it more difficult for the unit to do its job. By leaving it on throughout the day, you are ensuring that all contaminants are removed as soon as they make an appearance. 

3. Should you leave the air purifier on when you are not home?

You should leave the air purifier on even when you are not at home if you want to come home and experience clean indoor air quality. You would not have to wait for the system to kick in and start purifying after entering the home. On the other hand, you will walk into a home that has fresh and clean air if you leave the air purifier on.

4. How much does it cost to run an air purifier 24 hours a day?

Usually, air purifiers are designed to work in mid-sized rooms with 200 – 400 sq. ft. These air purifiers will cost $0.24 per day if it is run on the highest setting. Smaller rooms will be the least expensive to run. A big air purifier of 100W will cost $0.32 per day if it is run on a high setting.

5. Do Honeywell air purifiers use a lot of electricity?

Like most air purifiers, Honeywell air purifiers range in watts depending on the setting. For instance, if the Honeywell 50250 is at its highest setting, it consumes around 200 watts. If it is at a medium setting, it consumes 165 watts, and at the lowest setting, it consumes 103 watts. 

Wrapping Up

Air purifiers have become necessary additions to our homes regardless of where we live because of the increasing levels of air pollutants. The only question is how long air purifiers can be run or if they need to be switched on and off periodically.

We hope that the above information has answered these questions. You can safely run your air purifier 24/7. It is also the best way to ensure that you are experiencing a high quality of indoor air all the time.

Switching an air purifier off can allow contaminants to enter the room and pollute the air indoors. Moreover, the air purifier will have to work harder to remove them and restart the cleaning process.


About The Author

Olivia — a self-confessed air quality addict — is a home climate enthusiast, fresh air advocate, and someone with deep personal experience and knowledge about mold extermination. Her work was mentioned in countless notable humidity publications. Previously she was an editor at Mold Remediation.

How often to change air purifier filter

How often to change air purifier filter?

Air purifiers are a boon to those of us seeking healthy and clean air in our homes. It is especially helpful to those suffering from asthma and allergies as the air purifier filters help trap contaminants such as pollen, dust, dust mites, pet dander, and other particulates present in the air.

Since the filter is a primary component in the air purifier, it must be cleaned or changed regularly so that the unit remains efficient.

After all, it is the filter that collects all the contaminants over time. To keep the air purifier running efficiently, you must know when to change the filter.

Know when to change your air purifier filter [Check for these signs]

Ai purifier with permanent filter

Before you look for signs that the filter in your unit needs to be changed, it is better to know the type and capacity of the filter. Newer models of air purifiers come with a filter change indicator that tells you when the filter has become saturated with pollutants and needs cleaning or changing. But, there are some signs that are noticeable.

1. The filter is dirty

When you notice that the filter looks dirty and gray, it is time to remove it from the unit and clean it. You can also do this proactively by checking the filter once a month. 

2. Rooms are dusty

When the air filters become saturated with air contaminants, your home will become dustier. The filter has no more room for catching dust, and it starts to accumulate around the air vents at first and then spreads throughout the house. 

3. Allergy symptoms

As the filter becomes clogged with dust, you or your family members may develop symptoms caused by allergens in the air. Usually, these symptoms are red eyes, runny nose, sore throat, etc.

4. Musty odor

You will notice that the air indoors carries a musty odor caused by mold or mold spores. There could also be a burning smell coming from your HVAC unit if your air filter is dirty or clogged.

5. Hot AC unit

When the air filter is blocked, the HVAC unit works harder to ease the airflow through the filter. You will notice that the AC unit is becoming hot to the touch. Another sign that the HVAC is working harder is when you see a spike in the energy bill.

Learn how to Change an Air Filter 

Air purifiers do their best work if they are maintained well. Proper maintenance also increases the lifespan of the unit even as it consumes less energy, leading to lower energy bills. So, it is helpful to learn how to change the air filter.

➡ Start by switching the air purifier off. By switching it off, we ensure that the air does not blow dust into the unit. 
➡ The next step is to open the vent and remove the filter.
➡ Make sure that the airflow arrows are pointed towards the direction of the HVAC system.
➡ Replace with a new filter.
➡ Switch the air purifier on. 

Before buying a new filter, you need to check the owner’s manual. It will offer instructions on the right one for the particular model you have installed. 

How can you improve the performance of air purifier?

Considering the benefits of an air purifier, you must ensure that the unit is performing optimally. A few steps to improve its performance, include:

Close windows and doors

If the windows and doors are open, the already purified air will leave the room, and polluted air from outside will seep into the room.

Replace or clean the air filters at the right time

Air filters can get clogged over time, and the dust particles will accumulate on the filter, blocking airflow. Therefore, it is best to proactively clean the filter.

Place air purifiers in the right location

Air purifiers need space around them for smooth airflow. If the unit is placed in such a way that there are obstructions such as walls or furniture, the unit will not be able to draw in the air or recirculate clean air into the room freely. 

Washable filter vs. disposable: Which is better for you?

do air purifiers help with dust

Understanding the difference between the two will help you decide between a washable and a disposable filter.
While washable filters are good, they are better at trapping dirt and large particles. They are not very effective in filtering out pet dander, viruses, bacteria, or smoke. A washable filter has several layers of fibers and is held together by a frame. Dust can accumulate on the frame, too.

Washable filters will need to be washed thoroughly, dried completely to avoid mold, and returned to the unit.

On the other hand, a disposable filter can trap fine particles and as much as 95% of the airborne contaminants. Disposable filters are generally more effective as they trap smaller particles. They are cheaper than washable, reusable filters.

The MERV ratings of disposable filters also make them energy-efficient.

Whichever filter you choose, the critical factor is cleaning or replacing at the right time to ensure that the air purifier works efficiently.

FAQ Section

1. Can you wash air purifier filters?

You can wash your air purifier filters with warm water and allow them to dry completely before placing them back in the system. You will need to make sure that you are using washable filters and not disposable ones.

2. Do all filters need to be replaced?

All filters will need to be replaced when it is the right time. You will know the right time when you notice that your air purifier is not working well and the indoor air is gradually becoming unclean. Washable filters can be washed and returned to the unit. Disposable filters need to be replaced every few months, according to the owner’s manual.

Eventually, even washable filters will need to be replaced due to wear and tear.

3. How often should you clean an air purifier?

Generally, air purifiers must be cleaned according to a scheduled filter maintenance plan. It would include replacing the filters every year. If the air purifier has carbon filters, they must be replaced anywhere between three and six months. Permanent or washable filters must be cleaned every three months.

4. How long do HEPA filters last?

True HEPA filters have approximately 8,760 hours or 12 months of use before they need to be cleaned or replaced. However, it may also depend on the quality of the filter, the air quality, and the region you live in.

5. Can you use an air purifier without a filter?

Earlier models of air purifiers depended on filters. However, the new air purifiers work with advanced cleaning technology instead of filters. They use specific cleaning technology to purify the air.

6. How many types of HEPA filters are there?

As per the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (IEST), there are six types of HEPA filters – A, B, C, D, E, and F. Each has its own distinct characteristics based on performance. Their minimum efficiency reporting value is between 99.97 and 99.99% at 0.3 microns, with the F type at 0.1 – 0.2 microns.

Wrapping Up

Air purifiers play a significant role in our lives by keeping the indoor air clean and healthy. However, they will only serve their purpose if the filter is clean.

Therefore, it is up to us to ensure that the filters are either cleaned or replaced proactively, to enjoy healthy air quality.


About The Author

Olivia — a self-confessed air quality addict — is a home climate enthusiast, fresh air advocate, and someone with deep personal experience and knowledge about mold extermination. Her work was mentioned in countless notable humidity publications. Previously she was an editor at Mold Remediation.

How to tell if air purifier is working

How to tell if air purifier is working?

Get to know on how to check an air purifier.

When we use air purifiers at home, it can be a challenge to assess their performance. The dust particles that reduce air quality can be so microscopic that we can’t see them. Air purifiers may appear to be working, and it is not always clear if they are working as well as they should. Fortunately, there are a few tips that can tell you if your air purifier is working optimally.

How to Tell If an Air Purifier Is Working Properly [6 Easiest Ways To Check]

air purifier for house

Here are six easy ways to check if your air purifier is working properly. 

Airflow test

If you notice that there is no air blowing out from the vents even though the air purifier is on, it indicates poor air circulation. It is time to check the intake and outlet of the air purifier. There may be dust near the air intake. You can brush the dust away. You may also need to check if the fan is louder than normal, it means that the fan is working harder than it should, and the filter needs to be replaced. 

The fan helps remove the pollutants by drawing in the air towards the filters to be trapped. Over time, these particles accumulate and clog the filters. 

Indicator Lights

Air purifiers come with indicator lights that tell you when it is time to change the filter. Some units also have indicators to show fan speed, air quality, pollen mode, ion mode, etc.

If the filter service indicator light is on, it is possible that the filter has become clogged with dirt particles, and it needs to be cleaned or replaced. Generally, the filter life indicator has three settings – Green, Yellow, and Red.  

If the indicator light is green, the unit is working properly. The yellow light warns you that it may soon be time to replace the filter. The red light is a clear indicator that you must replace the filter immediately. 

Filters to be checked for pollutants 

An air purifier is a high-efficiency appliance that removes airborne contaminants. It protects you from allergens, dust, bacteria, pet dander, and viruses and makes the indoor air clean and fresh.
Your air purifier may have activated charcoal technology, HEPA technology, Ozone, UV, or Negative Ion filters. Most air purifiers require you to clean or replace the pre-filter every 2-4 weeks for best performance. The pre-filter, i.e., the activated carbon filter, prevents odors and captures large airborne particles, VOCs (Volatile organic compounds), and pet dander that enters into the air purifier.

Some purifier filters will need to be replaced every 6-8 months. These filters include the True HEPA filter, the Medium filter, charcoal-based activated carbon filter, or customized filters, depending on the model.

Check air quality performance 

You can do an air quality performance check, especially for pollen, odor, allergens, pollen, mold, and odor. The air quality check involves a particle test. Using an indoor air quality monitor, you can test the air quality in a room that doesn’t have an air purifier. Record the reading.

Then, bring the air purifier into the room and let it run for around 30 minutes. You can read the air quality monitor and record the new reading. The reading should be lower than the first time to prove that the air purifier is working properly. But, if the reading is higher, there is a problem with the air purifier, and you may need to get it checked. 

Touch test 

If the air purifier is not working well and the unit is working harder, you will notice that the unit is becoming hot to the touch. Once the filter is cleaned or replaced, and the air purifier is switched on again, you will see that the unit has cooled down considerably. 

Professional testing of indoor air quality 

If you are still unsure if the air purifier is working efficiently, you may need to seek professional assistance. Experts in making an accurate indoor air quality assessment will check the air purifier and help assess other concerns about air quality in and around your home.

 What are the factors that affect the performance of an air purifier?

Factors that affect the performance of the air purifier include the size of the unit in relation to the room size, the filters, the location and age of the unit, and extreme weather conditions. Just like any other appliance, air purifiers need regular maintenance and upkeep. 

You will also need to make sure that you place it in the right location so that there is nothing to block the air purifier’s airflow. It would be best to perform regular checks on the filters and follow the owner’s manual for a schedule on cleaning or replacing filters.

 How to repair an air purifier?

Most problems that affect your air purifier occur because of poor maintenance. Some of the issues can be fixed at home easily. The first step is to identify the problem. 

If the air purifier does not turn on, you must check the power cord and see if the unit is plugged into the right power outlet. You can try it in another power outlet to see if the problem is in the outlet or the cord. If the power cord is damaged, you will need to replace it.

If the air purifier has touch controls and is not responsive, the unit is likely not connected to the right power outlet, or the filter cover is placed incorrectly. It will help to follow the owner’s manual to place the filter cover according to instructions. On occasion, the power controls may be malfunctioning which will require professional assistance.

If the unit is making loud noises, check to see if the air filter is installed correctly or needs replacement. If some foreign object enters the unit, there could be a rattling sound. If you’re handy with tools, you may be able to remove the object without affecting the unit. 

A simple fix for poor airflow is to remove all obstructions around the air purifier. Also, check if the fan is working correctly. If the fan speed is low, you may need to change the setting. You can press the fan speed control and adjust the setting in models that do not have an auto mode. 

How to improve your indoor air quality naturally?

air purifier living room

It is possible to improve indoor air quality naturally with a few tips. 

Keep rugs/ carpets free of dust

Rugs and carpets can act as filters, too, and trap dust and other particles. Therefore, you must clean them weekly. 

Control the humidity

Excess humidity can be a haven for mold and mildew. These trigger symptoms of allergies and make breathing difficult. There will be increased humidity in summer, so attempts to bring the moisture levels down will help. Ideally, consistent humidity levels can improve indoor air quality.

Indoor plants for fresh air

Plants can be considered natural air filters. Even a few indoor plants can make a huge difference to the air quality. Placing plants such as ferns, palm trees, and lilies that are known for their purifying properties can help draw out the pollutants.

Cooking vents

Kitchens produce smoke, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide from gas stoves, and electric burners also produce some at lower levels. Making sure that you turn on the vents or open a window when cooking would be a good step to take.

When should you call a professional?

When you install an air purifier in your home, it comes with a set of instructions on maintenance and service. While you can fix several small problems, there may be some that are beyond your capabilities. Malfunctioning touch controls are one, and broken components are another.

Similarly, there may be damages to the unit on the whole that professional technicians can only service. 

More importantly, if you are the type that is not handy with appliances, you would be better off calling for professional support. 

FAQ Section

1.  How long do air purifiers take to work?

Air purifiers can take anywhere between 30 minutes and 2 hours to clean a room. To get a more accurate estimate, you must consider the room size, the model, dan speed, etc. 

2. How do I know if your HEPA filter is dirty?

You will know that your HEPA filter is dirty if you open the unit and check. You will notice clumps of dirt, and the filter will appear more grey or black.

3. Do air purifiers work with open windows?

Air purifiers work best when the doors and windows are kept closed. Closed windows will ensure that clean air does not escape the room. 

4. Can you use air purifier with fan?

The air purifier can be just as effective with or without a fan. It may take a little longer for the unit to clean the air in the room because fans may affect the airflow to the air purifier.

5. How do you measure dust in the air?

Dust particles are measured according to their size in microns. Dust measuring devices such as air sampling pumps can be useful to measure dust. Using a filter-based light-absorption photometer is also a device that can be used to measure dust.

The easiest way to check the dust level in your home is by using the indoor air quality monitor and taking a reading before and after switching on the air purifier.

6. How do I know if your air purifier is HEPA?

You will know if your air purifier is HEPA if you check the labeled score printed on the box. If it shows a 99.97% filtration efficiency, it is a True HEPA filter. 

Wrapping Up

Having an air purifier to clean the indoor air is simple. Ensuring that it works efficiently so that you can breathe clean and fresh air throughout the day can be challenging. It requires monitoring the unit to see if it is working well.

And, it is imperative to keep the filters clean and the unit serviced on schedule.


About The Author

Olivia — a self-confessed air quality addict — is a home climate enthusiast, fresh air advocate, and someone with deep personal experience and knowledge about mold extermination. Her work was mentioned in countless notable humidity publications. Previously she was an editor at Mold Remediation.

Best air purifier for office space

Choose The Best Air Purifier For Office Space – Improve Your Health Now

Last updated on: May 1, 2024.

Want the best air purifier for your office space? Read this before buying.

Indoor air quality can neither be ignored nor neglected, whether it is at home or office. Generally, people pay more attention to their home’s air and are willing to invest in home units. Offices, on the other hand, tend to prioritize other aspects of the commercial space. Offices are always focused on work-related infrastructure. However, clean air is necessary everywhere. Ideally, office spaces need clean air as much as homes do. 

Offices need to be free of ultra-fine dust, dust mites, mold, and other allergens. The indoor air in our offices also needs efficient filtration to prevent diseases and germs, which is common when you share the space with your co-workers how many ever there may be. An air purifier in the office is a boon that cleans the air from any airborne particles and helps you maintain good health while working in the office.

With the increasing levels of air pollution surrounding us, we greatly need systems that can clean air. Systems such as air purifiers capture and filter the unwanted particles that fill our environment, causing ill health. With so many diseases prevalent these days, no one would not want to risk their health even further.

It is not easy to identify poor air quality in workplaces when compared to residential air quality. It is always good to let fresh air into our offices to do our optimum best at work and offer a good and healthy environment to the entire workforce. 

Top 5 Reasons to buy an air purifier for office space?

air purifier while working

Our office space is where we spend about eight to ten hours a day, sometimes even more. During these hours, the office environment encounters a lot of air pollution. Since we spend much time in the office, we must experience good air quality. Obviously, working in an environment that is full of air contaminants affects our health leading to low productivity levels. 

We usually give importance to our office space, decorating it to our satisfaction, arranging the items to be functional and aesthetically appealing. Most of us try to work in a clean and tidy space. But, not all of us give much thought to the air inside the office.

But, wherever we are, and whatever we are doing, breathing clean air is essential. After all, we would want to prevent harmful particles from entering our lungs, regardless of our activities.

There are several reasons why office spaces can do with a good quality air purifier. Here are the top 5 reasons why we need an air purifier in the office:

✔ We need an air purifier in the office because it uses state-of-the-art technology to curb the harmful impact of air pollutants pervading the indoor working space.

Air purifiers can cleanse air pollutants such as dust, dust mites, smoke, negative ions, viruses, including bacteria, H1N1, and PM 2.5 particles which we don’t even notice as they are not visible to the naked eye.

✔ Air purifiers can decontaminate the air inside the office of harmful particulates and toxic gases by 99.97%.

✔ The air purifying unit has an in-built ionizer that cleans the environment from the negative ions, which are the potential source of any form of infection. The ionizer circulates fresh air inside the room and improves the physical and mental well-being of the co-workers.

✔ An air purifier delivers excellent service in a large-sized room with an area of up to 41 square meters. With a Clean Air Delivery Rates (CADR) capacity of 334m3/h particulate matter and 200 m3/h formaldehyde, the air purifier successfully provides fresh and clean air inside the office space thereby ensuring a safe working environment. 

Which is the best air purifier for office space in 2022?

Because climate change is a great concern for everyone across the globe, there is great awareness of air pollutants and the need to ensure that we enjoy clean air indoors. That means indoors in office as well as home.

One of the more important characteristics of a good employer is to provide a safe and healthy environment to their employees. Commercial spaces – big or small – need air purifying systems to ensure that only healthy air is circulated indoors. 

Suppose you are also looking to reduce air pollutants such as dust, allergens, or viruses that may be floating around. You are probably looking for the right air purifier to suit the size of your office and that fits in your budget. The below discussion on a few of the best air purifiers in the market can help.
Here, you have a well-researched and complete guide on how to buy the best air purifier for office spaces – small to large. 

How we selected the best air purifier for this article?

To help you make the right choice of air purifier in your office space, we have reviewed the best air purifiers in the market, and below are their unique features and each model’s pros and cons. It should make it easier to make you pick.

7 Best Air Purifiers for Office Space (May 2024)

Image PRODUCT/ Features Rating  
Our Top PickAlen Flex Airpurifier Alen FLEX Air Purifier✦ Reliable For Years
✦ Internal Condensate Pump For Automatic Moisture Removal
✦ Powerful Airflow (610 CFM)
Runner UpMedify AirPurifier with H13 Filter Medify MA-25 Air Purifier with H13 True HEPA Filter✦ Effortless Drainage
✦ 2 Year Free Warranty
✦ Built-in Heavy Duty Pump
Hathaspace Airpurifier HATHASPACE Smart True HEPA Air Purifier✦ Intelligent Humidity Control
✦ Portable Design
✦ Good Customer Support
TruSens Air Purifier TruSens Medium Air Purifier with UV-C Light + HEPA Filtration✦ Intelligent Humidity Control
✦ Portable Design
✦ Good Customer Support
Mooka HEPA Airpurifier Mooka True HEPA+ Air Purifier✦ Intelligent Humidity Control
✦ Portable Design
✦ Good Customer Support
Coway Airpurifier Coway AP-1512HH Mighty Air Purifier with True HEPA✦ Intelligent Humidity Control
✦ Portable Design
✦ Good Customer Support
Msa3 Airpurifier MSA3 Air Purifier for Home Large Room✦ Intelligent Humidity Control
✦ Portable Design
✦ Good Customer Support

1. Alen Breathe Smart Air Purifier

The Alen Breathe Smart Air Purifier has been developed with the expertise of NASA airflow engineers. Its BreatheSmart FLEX cleans 700 square feet every 30 minutes. It has WhisperMax technology making it twice as quiet as other products in the market, even on Turbo speed.

The HEPA-Pure filter has a high-capacity HEPA layer that can capture 99.97% of all airborne particles. This air purifier is suitable for large areas, and the best-in-class standard filter enables a long-lasting filtration that will provide fresh and clean air for a long time. It has versatile design panels to suit a variety of decors. 

Alen Breathe Purifier

Things we liked:

1. Alen BreatheSmart air purifier is high on efficiency and coverage.
2. This air purifier uses smart technology.
3. Offers multiple filter options
4. Designer panels
5. Perfect for dust, dust mites, mold, germs, pet dander and pet odors, and allergens

Things we didn’t like:

1. None

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2. Medify Air Purifier With HEPA Filter

The Medify Air Purifier with True HEPA filter offers maximum coverage up to 1000 sq. ft. in an hour and 500 sq. ft. in 30 minutes. It is suitable for both homes and office spaces. It has HEPA H13 filtration and can remove 99.97% of airborne particles, including odors, pet dander, dust, etc. It captures particles of 0.3 microns.

The Medify Air Purifier is a quiet device and has three fan speeds, with the lowest setting virtually silent. It runs at 100 Volts at a minimum noise level of 35dB and a maximum of 51dB. It also allows for sleep mode by dining the lights in the display panel.

The features are easy to use with a sleek touch screen panel and a timer, different fan speeds, sleep mode, filter replacement indicator, and has a child and pet lock feature. The Medify air purifier is Energy Star certified and CARB, ETL verified. 

Medfy Air Purifier with H13

Things we liked:

1. Medify Air Purifier with HEPA filter has a modern design with touch control panel
2. H13 HEPA filter for longer lifespan of filters
3. 3-in-1 combined filter pack
4. Honeycomb-shaped pelletized activated carbon filter to remove unpleasant odors
5. Moderate CADR
6. Sleep mode, 3 manual fan speeds, child and pet lock feature
7. East to use and move between rooms
8. Energy Star certified
9. Lifetime warranty

Things we didn’t like:

1. Doesn’t have a dedicated washable filter

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3. Hathaspace Medical Grade Air Purifier

The Hathaspace medical-grade air purifier has H13 HEPA filters that remove 99.97% of air particles. It has a 5-in-1 filter system targeted at pollen, dust, pet dander, VOCs, tobacco smoke, and reduce odors, etc. It is perfect for large rooms and can replace the air in a 1500 sq ft room in an hour. It also has a smart particle sensor that monitors the air quality, offering precise measurements and feedback in real-time.

The Hathaspace medical-grade air purifier has touch-screen display panels to reveal the official EPA Air Quality Index score. The light on the front panel changes color depending on air quality. It has an auto mode and can automatically adjust fan speed based on the air quality around you. It has a washable pre-filter and a 5-year warranty. 

Hathaspace main

Things we liked:

1. H13 HEPA as the core particle filter
2. A thick layer of pelletized activated carbon filter with zeolite
3. Permanent and washable pre-filter
4. Effective for odor control for zeolite, large room coverage
5. Modern design with easy control from the touch panel
6. Built-in laser particle sensor, colored and numeric AQI display
7. 100% ozone-free, CARB approved, Energy Star certified
8. Five years warranty

Things we didn’t like:

1. Not app or Wi-Fi-enabled
2. The CADR is not AHAM verified.

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4. TruSens Air Purifier

The TruSens air purifier has a 360-degree DuPont HEPA filtration to capture pollutants such as airborne viruses, allergens, and certain VOC gases. It also has Ultraviolet light (UV-C light) to kill germs and bacteria trapped in the filter. The remote SensorPod actively monitors the air quality of the room and takes action. Placed across the room, SensorPod communicates with the TruSens purifier to automatically adjust its fan speed.

The PureDirect proprietary technology splits clean air into two air streams, delivering purified air more comfortably and efficiently throughout the room. Bi-directional airflow delivers purified air more effectively and has been proven to be more efficient than traditional air purifiers with vertical airflow.

The TruSens air purifiers have a color-coded LED display to provide peace of mind knowing that TruSens is taking action on your behalf. It has simple touch controls for all the functions, including fan speeds, auto-timer, UV mode, and filter replacement indicators.

trusens main

Things we liked:

1. True HEPA filter lasts longer (12 to 15 months)
2. Effective UV bulb placement
3. Washable fibrous pre-filter
4. Separate filter replace indicator for HEPA, Carbon, and UV
5. Five level fan speeds, auto mote, sleep mode
6. Stylish design, beautiful control panel
7. Remote air quality sensor pod
8. Real-time air quality status display in color and numeric data
9. Carrying handle for portability
10. Ozone-free, CARB approved

Things we didn’t like:

1. Comparatively low CADR ratings, less coverage
2. The standard carbon filter is less effective on odors; pellet-based carbon filters cost more
3. No remote controller or child lock

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5. Mooka True HEPA+ Air Purifier

The Mooka GL-FS32 Air Purifier is the most versatile air purifier equipped with a pre-filter, HEPA filter, activated carbon filter, VOC absorption particles, UV light sterilizer, and negative light ion generator. It can clean the air in 6 different dimensions.

The Mooka GL-FS32 is capable of cleaning a room of 1350 sqft in 1 hour. It’s also great for use in smaller rooms to clean the air more times and be more sensitive to air quality changes. It has an auto mode and a sensor, supported by a built-in smoke and odor sensor.

The HEPA air purifier is a smart odor eliminator. In its auto mode, it can adjust the fan speed according to the air quality level in the room. When someone lights a cigarette or cooking, it will gear up to remove the odor and smoke quicker.

It has easy-to-use features, such as a remote control, built-in timer, night light that can be switched off for undisturbed sleep. It has a preconfigured sleep mode and a filter replacement indicator. It has a 3-Year Warranty and lifetime customer support from Mooka.

mooka true hepa

Things we liked:

1. True HEPA filtration
2. Activated carbon, UV-C, and ionizer included
3. Comparatively high CADR
4. Useful remote controller
5. Sleek and compact design
6. Attractive price
7. Low maintenance cost
8. 3-year support

Things we didn’t like:

1. Loud on the most top speed
2. UV bulbs only controlled by a remote controller
3. LED lights are bright, high-pitched beep sound

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6. Coway Mighty Air Purifier

The Coway Mighty (AP-1512HH) can accommodate room sizes up to 361 sq. ft (CADR: Dust 246 / Pollen 240 / Smoke 233 CB. ft.). It has a 4-Stage filtration system (Pre-filter, Deodorization filter, True HEPA filter, Vital Ion) and can capture and reduce up to 99.97% of airborne particles, including pollen, pollutants, and other allergens, and VOCs. It also reduces persisting odors. The pre-filter is washable and permanent, designed to trap larger dust particles.

The compact unit helps people affected by asthma and allergies by removing particles, including dust, pet dander, and mold that may trigger asthma and allergies. Coway Hepa air purifiers have a pollution sensor that communicates indoor air quality in real-time and a brightly colored LED to let you know how clean or dirty your indoor air is in real-time. It has a timer and a filter-lifetime indicator.

The Coway Mighty air purifier is energy-efficient with three manual fan speeds and an auto mode. The auto mode automatically optimizes the fan speed based on the quality of indoor air. If pollution is not detected for 30 minutes, the fan stops automatically and the unit enters the Eco mode to save energy.

The Timer allows the unit to run 1/4/8 hours before automatically switching off. The filter replacement indicator checks both Pre-filter and HEPA filters and indicates when it is due for washing or replacing. It offers 77 W power consumption and is quiet, with noise levels ranging from 24.4 dB to 53.8 dB. 

Coway Air Purifier

Things we liked:

1. True HEPA filter
2. Has a washable and permanent mesh pre-filter
3. A negative ion generator that is optional
4. Moderate CADR ratings 
5. A compact design
6. Built-in particle sensor, and indicator for real-time air quality 
7. Auto turn off 
8. Energy Star certified, CARB approved
9. Value for money air purifier

Things we didn’t like:

1. The impregnated carbon filter is less effective
2. No child/pet lock feature
3. CADR is not verified by AHAM

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7. MSA3 Air Purifier

The MSA3 HEPA Air Purifier is capable of delivering 112 CFM (190m³/h) of clean air quality. It can clean rooms up to 840 ft² in an hour or 500 ft² in just 36 minutes. It is suitable for any room or enclosed spaces such as living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, offices, restaurants, hotels, and labs.

The MSA3 HEPA air purifier has a 3-stage filtration design, a pre-filter to capture hair, pet dander, and fiber, a TRUE HEPA filter to capture smoke, allergens, dust, and pollen; and an activated carbon filter to capture and neutralize bad odors, and VOCs.

This device uses a True HEPA PP electrostatic electret melt-blown filter and can filter out 99.97% of particles and air pollution PM 2.5 (particulate matter). It has a user-friendly design with a sleep mode, timer, child lock, and a light switch. It has a filter-life display, filter replacement alerts, turbo mode, three manual fan speeds, and is energy-efficient.
It is 100% ozone-free, certified by ETL, FCC, CE, and RoHS. 

Msa3 air purifier

Things we liked:

1. Designed for small to medium-sized rooms.
2. Timer option
3. 3-in-1 Filtration system
4. Filter reset indicator
5. Low noise levels
6. Button lock option
7. 100% Ozone-free

Things we didn’t like:

1. Position of the control buttons 
2. Low odor removing capacity
3. Maintenance is slightly more expensive.

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Our Verdict

After reviewing several air purifiers in the market, our verdict is the Alen BreatheSmart Air purifier because it matches all the requirements needed for the best air purifier for an office space. It offers excellent performance, high coverage, low noise levels and is user-friendly. The BreatheSmart also offers customizable front panels that allow you to match your decor. It can easily blend into any environment.

Best Air Purifier for Office Buying Guide [Important Things To Keep In Mind Before You Buy]

Breathing Fresh Air In Office

Before buying air purifiers for your office, there are a few factors to keep in mind. A few decades ago, air purifiers were considered almost a luxury when you already had an HVAC unit installed. You had ways of keeping the air cool or warm depending on the weather conditions.

You could also include a humidifier to maintain the relative humidity balance indoors. Humidifiers could keep the air as moist as it is healthy because some regions contain very dry air. And, you could also install dehumidifiers that could remove excess moisture from the air. Both of these serve a function, and that is to keep the right levels of humidity.

However, with the high levels of air pollution these days, caused by climate change and the vast number of vehicles, the viruses and bacteria floating in the air, the energy drawn from fossil fuels, there is serious concern about how harmful these air contaminants can be. Even those that start out with a healthy pair of lungs can feel the impact of air pollution.

Therefore, it is essential to understand relevant factors before investing in a unit that can save your health in the long term because you would want the air purifier to fulfill its entire purpose.

a) Technology:

Air purifiers contain a pre-filter and several layers of other filters, some of which need to be changed periodically. The technology behind the filters is key to providing optimum protection from air pollutants.

Newer air purifiers come with patented technologies that use sensors to register the level of pollution, capture the most microscopic pollutants, and recirculate purified air.

b) Room size:

Measuring the office space is necessary if you want to buy an air purifier that will be enough for the room. Air purifiers come in various sizes and differ greatly in price based on the technology and the unit’s coverage area. The right air purifier would depend on the square footage of the room.

You could choose a compact one or a more heavy-duty one depending on the area of the room. The right unit should be able to purify the air and should exceed the size of the room.

c) ACH (air change per hour):

It is in your best interests to pay attention to the air change per hour, i.e., the number of times the air purifier can clean the total volume of air in the room within the hour. Generally, air purifiers with more than 4 ACH are considered more effective in removing microscopic particles from the air. 

d) Type of filter:

Air purifiers have pre-filters and other layers of filters that may need to be replaced regularly. 
When it is operating, the air passes through the pre-filter, which captures the larger particles, pet dander, and pet hair, before the air passes through other filters. By the time the air is recirculated into the room, 99.97% of the pollutants are trapped or prevented from entering the room. 

e) CADR:

The clean air delivery rate is an important consideration as it measures the volume of air that can be cleaned at its maximum speed setting. You would do well to choose an air purifier that has a higher CADR because it can purify air at a faster rate. 

f) Noise levels:

Office spaces can already be noisy with a lot of interruptions. You would not want to have an air purifier that is noisy. It makes sense to buy a unit with low decibel levels to purify the air surrounding your workspace when it is running. Therefore, look for one that has a noise rating of less than 50 dB so that you can work undisturbed. 

There are several additional features in the newer models, including WiFi-enable air purifiers and the premium ones that come with sensors to gauge the air quality and have indicators to give you real-time updates on the indoor air quality.

f) Warranty:

It is best to determine the warranty period when you purchase a new air purifier, especially when it ensures good after-sales service. 

Know how to choose the right size air purifier for office space

In many ways, the best air purifiers for our homes can be the best air purifiers for our offices. The device is bought according to the room specifications and can be optimally suited for the size of our space, and can offer the right purification systems for our needs.

Therefore, if you’re looking for an air purifier that makes your workspace healthy, comfortable, and productive, prioritizing quiet technology and a sleek design (physically and in terms of usability) makes sense as it won’t distract us from our work. 

Before looking at air purifiers, measure your office space, be it the home office or otherwise. It is best to calculate the square footage of the space. Different models offer varying efficiency according to room size. Therefore, noting down the correct dimensions of the office is the first determining factor for choosing the right air purifier. 

The second determining factor is if the air purifier is capable of trapping most of the impurities in the environment. Most good quality air purifiers offer three types of purification:

1. A pre-filter (to capture larger airborne particles).
2. A HEPA filter (a high-efficiency particulate air filter to trap small particles such as pollen, dander, and smoke).
3. An activated carbon filter (to absorb unwanted odors).
4. Any combination of these will work, but some of the higher-end models offer additional purification abilities, like a UV-C light with its potential to prevent bacteria, mold, and viruses from entering the indoor air. 
5. CADR, i.e., clean air delivery rate, will play a significant role in the choice of an air purifier. It measures the volume of air that can be cleaned at its highest speed setting. You may want to choose a unit that offers high CADR. 
6. Most appliances can get noisy when operational. Air purifiers are no different. However, there are noise levels that vary. You would want an air purifier that is quiet so you can work undisturbed. Ideally, air purifiers that come with less than 50dB are best. 

How to improve indoor air quality in office [6 Simple and Effective Tips]

office ventilation

1. Let natural air in:

Cross ventilation is always best to get as much fresh air as possible into office spaces. Open the doors and windows when temperature and humidity levels allow. The open-air and natural sunlight and temperature will keep the air fresh and circulating.

Opening the room at least once a week or fortnightly will help some fresh air to flow into enclosed office spaces. The indoor pollutants will have a chance to escape, and new air will have a chance to enter the space. 

2. Use Air Purifiers:

Air purifiers equipped with HEPA filters do a great job of filtering airborne contaminants. Most air purifiers capture particulate matter but may not also remove gas and other chemicals. Choosing an air purifier that has activated carbon filters to remove gas and chemicals would be effective.

3. Replace air filters frequently:

Whether maintaining your HVAC or air purifier, regularly replacing or cleaning the filter will prevent air pollutants from being recirculated into the air. It will also remove all clogging in the filters due to its efficient trapping of air particles. 

4. Get Indoor plants:

One of the most natural ways to get clean and healthy air is to be around plants. Indoor plants are not only for beautifying the office but also for ensuring cleaner air. Many plants are known for their ability to absorb toxins from the air. The only thing to keep in mind is that plants may attract mold due to dampness caused by over-watering.

Along with your regular maintenance of devices, plants also will need monitoring. Some of the most commonly used plants to improve indoor air quality include Spider Plant and Golden Pothos, as they are effective in absorbing benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and xylene from the air.

Now and then, they need to be taken outside the office to prevent mold growth. Spider plants are small enough to be placed in every office room or in different corners of your office space. Other plants such as Chrysanthemums work very well in a closed office area. 

5. Check Building materials and furnishings:

Some small amounts of chemicals are continuously released into the air from insulation, carpeting, cabinetry, or furniture made of pressed wood and paint. It is one of those invisible but insidious air pollutants. That can be damaging to health in the long term. Keeping the office space as free as possible of such materials will go a long way t keeping better air quality indoors.

Also, decluttering is a great option as a collection of unused material can be detrimental to free airflow. Keeping the office space clean and sanitized is imperative if you want to improve the office environment.   

6. Restrict Smoking in the office area:

Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, etc. Studies show that continued exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke may result in inner ear infections, asthma, and lung cancer, even in nonsmokers. However, with the increased use of electronic cigarettes indoors contributing new sources of air contaminants, it is best to restrict all types of smoking.

7. Clean and service your HVAC Air Ducts regularly:

Our HVAC Air ducts circulate cold and hot air throughout your office. They also run throughout the year. In time dust, debris, mold, bacteria, and even dead insects and rodents can accumulate inside these air ducts. These contaminants spread throughout the office and the air and bring airborne infections and bad odor. These are silent triggers of allergic reactions.

Using scheduled maintenance services, keeping the air ducts cleaned and maintained is essential for a clean indoor environment. 

FAQ Section

1. Can you put air purifier under desk?

An air purifier must have space around it to ensure smooth airflow for it to work efficiently. Therefore, all obstructions of airflow are best avoided. 

2. What can you do to help clean the air as an office worker?

As an office worker, there are many ways in which you can clean the air, including decluttering, following a scheduled cleaning plan, using an effective air purifier, cleaning the filters in the air purifier, and removing excess dampness that indoor plants may cause.

3. Where to place an air purifier in office?

Choosing the right location is important if you want to enjoy fresh and clean air throughout the office space. Air purifiers have an air intake function that is usually in the front of the machine.

Therefore, the right location would be where there are no obstructions. Corners, behind furniture, or directly below shelves would not be the best locations. The unit must have access to all the different airborne particles for effective purifying. 

4. Will an air purifier reduce odor in the office?

Air purifiers come with suitable and high-powered filters that can trap not only large particles of air pollutants but also smaller 0.3 microns. The technology of the filters prevents unpleasant odors to get recirculated into the room.

5. Do personal air purifiers work?

By themselves, personal air purifiers such as miniature ones, necklaces, or small handheld ones are not enough to clean air as they are too small to be as effective as regular air purifiers.

6. Do air purifiers remove viruses?

HEPA filter Air purifiers and HVAC filters are capable of filtering air pollutants that pass through the air, thereby reducing the contaminants that contain viruses. At best, air purifiers can capture these contaminants in their filters, preventing their entry into enclosed spaces. 

7. Which is the best air purifier for office cubicle?

The best air purifier must come with at least a 3-stage air purification system – a pre-filter, True HEPA filter, an activated carbon filter. It can remove as much as 99.97% of airborne particles and prevent unpleasant odors. Ideally, it must be able to purify a space of up to 160 sq. ft.

The best choice is to have 3 fan speeds that can be adjusted according to the necessary cleaning power. Knowing when the filter needs changing or cleaning is always best, so a filter replacement indicator would help. 

8. Do Dyson air purifiers produce ozone?

Dyson air purifiers do not emit ozone. They work on mechanical air filtration, i.e., the air is passed through different filters to capture both solid particles and gaseous ones. 

Final Words:

There can be no doubt as to the importance of clean air in our homes and offices. With the ever-increasing levels of air pollution, it is all the more important to use the right methods and devices to enjoy a healthier and more productive life.

Whatever the size of your office, or its location, an air purifier will help in warding off several allergens and ensure that cleaner air circulates within the space.  


About The Author

Olivia — a self-confessed air quality addict — is a home climate enthusiast, fresh air advocate, and someone with deep personal experience and knowledge about mold extermination. Her work was mentioned in countless notable humidity publications. Previously she was an editor at Mold Remediation.

Do air purifiers make the air dry

Do air purifiers make the air dry?

By definition, air purifiers clean air and do not act as dehumidifiers to remove moisture from the air. But, the air might feel dry because of increased airflow or cooler air. For instance, if the air purifier is running too fast or is of the wrong size for the room, the air can feel drier.

Since air purifiers have become more popular in recent times because of the air pollutants that tend to seep into homes, it is good to understand what an air purifier does and if it makes you feel dehydrated. 

Do air purifiers dehydrate you?

Does air purifier help with mold

Air purifiers do not dehydrate the users as their primary function is not to dry air but to prevent pollutants such as dust, pollen, pet dander, etc. from entering homes. During winter, you may feel drier because of the cold air.

However, if you live in a region that is dry, you may want to combine air purifiers with humidifiers to maintain the relative humidity levels. 

What does an air purifier do?

An air purifier removes harmful gases and other particles from the air that are largely due to the increasing pollution levels in the environment. The principle behind an air purifier is that it makes the air cleaner and safer to breathe. The use of an air purifier reduces allergies, respiratory difficulties, and asthmatic symptoms by removing harmful particles. 

What happens if the air in your house is too dry?

The air in homes is too dry when there is a drop in humidity levels. This is especially the case in winter as the cold air can’t hold as much moisture as warm air can. This causes a number of health problems as the ideal humidity levels indoors must be maintained at anywhere between 30 – 50%.

Dry air in your house can cause breathing difficulties, nasal blockages, dry skin and itchiness, and trigger allergies.

Moreover, it causes static electricity that cannot dissipate if the air is dry. Apart from health problems, dry air can also affect the structure of your home and the furnishing.

1. Breathing difficulties

The throat and nose have moist membranes, and they work by capturing dirt, viruses, bacteria, and dust preventing them from reaching your lungs. When these membranes become dry, they cause dry throat and nose and they become unable to fulfill their function leading to illnesses. 

2. Nasal blockages

With dry air, the nasal passages feel dry and become uncomfortable. Most of our breathing is done through the nose, and the dryness can cause irritation, leading to nosebleeds in some cases. 

3. Dry skin

Our skin needs moisture, without which it can become too dry and cause itchiness, flaking, and tighter joints, cracked skin, and chapped lips. Skin that already has existing problems such as eczema and acne can flare up due to dryness. 

4. Static electricity

A dry house encourages static electricity and causes clothes to stick together. It also causes electric shocks when you touch a metal surface.

5. Damage to the house

During winter, the air tends to draw moisture from the home environment, including the structure of your home, especially wooden structures such as hardwood floors and wooden doors and door jambs. These cause doors to stick, floors to creak, and gaps between ceilings and walls.

Eventually, such gaps allow the cold air to seep in, making you use the heater more. 

You can prevent such dry air by different methods. You can either use a humidifier or follow other ways to improve the humidity levels in your home.

How do you fix a dry room without a humidifier?

You can consider green strategies that involve minimal effort to solve the dry air condition indoors. Here’s a list of things you can do to humidify your home without the investment of a humidifier.

a) Houseplants

By getting houseplants and placing them around your room, you receive the moisture that comes from transpiration. It is a process where moisture evaporates from the stems and leaves of the plants. It makes the air less dry naturally. 

b) Bowls of water near windows

Placing a few bowls or vases with water near the windows also works in the same way as the houseplants, except the evaporation comes because of the sunshine falling on the water. 

c) Use stovetop cooking

Stovetop cooking instead of microwave can add excess moisture to the air, such as using a teakettle that lets the steam escape, and other open cooking that helps in building moisture.  

d) Shower with the door open

A hot and steamy shower can spread moisture into the room if the door is left open. Even the residual heat from a bathtub can add moisture to the rooms. 

e) Bowls of water on radiators

During the winter months, the air is cold and dry, and the furnace works harder. Placing bowls of water on radiators will push humidity into the air making this one of the best ways of improving air quality. 

f) Use racks to dry clothes

While it is tempting to run the clothes through a dryer, hanging them on the racks will also spread a little moisture in your homes. 

What is the best humidifier and purifier, and why?

afloia air purifier with humidifier

The air purifier and humidifier combo is a two-for-one deal. It is particularly useful if you have space constraints. While the air purifier will prevent contaminants, such as dust, dust mites, mold, allergens, pollen, and pet dander from entering your home, the humidifier will work towards maintaining the right humidity levels in your home.

The best humidifier would offer air filtration and evaporative humidification. The evaporative humidifier adds humidity to the air by natural evaporation through a mist that dissolves easily so as to avoid blocking the air filters. Our Top Pick for the best humidifier air purifier combo is Afloia HEPA Air Purifier with Humidifier. Click here for more information regarding this amazing product.

FAQ Section

1. Do air purifiers cause sinus problems?

Sinusitis is caused by bacterial infections, or mold, or seasonal allergies. Air purifiers are not known to cause sinus problems; instead, they prevent sinus problems by limiting the number of air pollutants that enter your home as they have a HEPA filter. 

2. Can air purifiers dry out your nose?

Air purifiers do not remove moisture from the air. So, they do not play a role in dry noses. They only trap pollutants in the air through their HEPA filters. However, if the air is dry in your home due to low humidity levels, your nose can feel dry. 

3. Can Air purifiers make you sick?

Air purifiers cannot make you sick. On the other hand, they improve the air quality by destroying allergens, and preventing dirt, pollen, etc., from entering your home and causing harm to the indoor environment. 

4. Do air purifiers reduce humidity?

Air purifiers do not reduce humidity as their function is only to keep airborne particles away from your home. 

Wrapping Up

Air purifiers are useful throughout the year and in every season. With the increasing pollution levels, the air outside tends to be full of contaminating elements that cause harm in some form or another.

There is an increasing need to filter the air you breathe and that can only be found through the HEPA filters found in air purifiers, making it enough reason to invest in a good one for the good health of your family.


About The Author

Olivia — a self-confessed air quality addict — is a home climate enthusiast, fresh air advocate, and someone with deep personal experience and knowledge about mold extermination. Her work was mentioned in countless notable humidity publications. Previously she was an editor at Mold Remediation.

Where to place air purifier

Where to place air purifier?

Buying a good air purifier is the first step in improving the air quality of your homes. Considering the times we live in, clean air is imperative to keep good health. It is even more so because the number of air pollutants continues to increase, giving birth to any number of illnesses, including respiratory illnesses, skin allergies, and other airborne diseases.

However, it is equally important to know where to place the air purifier for maximum effectiveness. After all, we can’t lose sight of the reasons why we are investing in an air purifier.

Can you place air purifier anywhere?

The simple answer is No. You cannot place an air purifier anywhere you like, not if you want to reap the benefits of one. While the air purifier may contain a combination of HEPA filter and activated carbon filter to block the pollutants, it will only serve well if placed in the right location. The location of the air purifier must be strategically thought out, keeping the room’s dimensions, the human traffic in the rooms, the purpose of the room, such as bedrooms, kitchens, or exercise rooms.

Therefore, the two critical factors of air purifiers include airflow and safety. Below are some important considerations after you bring in a new air purifier. 

Important Things To Consider Before Placing Air Purifier?

placing an air purifier

Closest to the Pollutants (Dust, Odor, Smoke)

You will know best the area where most of the pollutants congregate. For instance, your kitchen can hold on to odors long after you have cooked in it, your basement may be moldy, or your rooms show a lot of pet hair or dander. Placing an air purifier at the source is ideal. The HEPA filter can remove mold spores, dust, and pet dander, while the carbon filter will remove all bad odors.  

a) Know the Coverage Area

The size of the room you want to purify is the next factor to consider. A small air purifier for a large room will be ineffective. Alternatively, a large air purifier for a small room will also be a waste of energy.

Therefore, it is best to find the CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate), which will tell you how much air can be filtered per hour in CFM (Cubic Feet Per Minute). The rule of thumb is that the CADR should be equal to two-thirds of the room size. 

b) Adequate Height

There are two types of airflow – forward and upward. Indoor air tends to move vertically as well as horizontally. Air purifiers work best when placed three to five feet above the ground so that they can catch horizontal and vertical air movement.

Smaller units placed on a table can take advantage of the vertical airflow. Larger units can be either portable or mounted on the wall to take advantage of the horizontal airflow. 

c) Enough Airflow

Air purifiers draw the air in and clean it. But, the more air that is drawn in, the faster the cleaning process. So, air purifiers work well in open areas. Placing them near a window or doorway will work best. 

Air, when it moves, has enough energy to move dust and other particles and distribute them throughout the house. Placing air purifiers at the entry points or the front door will mean that they capture most of these polluting elements before they can spread through the house. This is also why placing air purifiers in corners would be a mistake.

Where should you not put an air purifier?

do not put air purifier here

We have seen the best location for an air purifier to do its best. Now, let’s consider where you should not place an air purifier. Regardless of how strong the airflow is, an air purifier may not be able to capture all pollutants from every corner.

Some areas of your room or home are simply not suitable because of a variety of reasons, including but not limited to a lack of free airflow, high humidity levels, or too many obstacles. 

1. Near Small Electronics

Air purifiers work on wavelengths just as other electronic items do. Placing air purifiers too close to other electronic items will make them vulnerable to electronic interference. Therefore, it is advisable to leave around five feet of distance between electronic items and the air purifying unit. You may be extra cautious and not place the air purifier near slightly larger electronic items such as TVs or stereos. 

2. Tight Spaces and Corners

Air purifiers work by circulating air through their vents, with most of them having front-facing vents. Blocking these vents by placing the air purifiers in corners or tight spaces makes the air purifiers ineffective. A foot of space around the unit will ensure that the entire room receives the cleaned air instead of just the corner in which it is placed. 

 A few feet of clearance on all sides is necessary for air purifiers. For instance, placing the unit under a shelf will restrict the airflow and clean the air only in and around the shelf.  

3. Beside or Below Tables

Air purifiers work best when there is free airflow, which means any type of obstacle is best avoided. Placing an air purifier beside or below tables or any other furniture means that the unit will not be able to draw in air from the entire area and, as a result, will not circulate clean air through the room. 

4. Heat Sources

Keeping an air purifier too close to furnace vents or close to open windows where direct sunlight falls for several hours may not be a good location. Other heat sources are cooking areas, or stove tops, ovens, as cooking generates heat as well as humidity.

Since air purifiers get heated during operation, keeping them near a heat source may cause them to overheat. Overheated units can damage the air purifier and decrease the lifespan of the unit.

5. Near High Humidity

Air purifiers clean air and do not remove the excess moisture from the air. They also do not add moisture to the air. Moreover, high humidity can actually damage the air purifier. For instance, if the air purifier absorbs too much moisture from the humid air, it will lower the lifespan of the filters as the moisture will clog the filters making it necessary to replace the filters frequently. It can also cause condensation damage to the unit and the continued impact of excess moisture will make the unit perform poorly.

How to use air purifier effectively?

how to use air pu

A few simple steps can be taken to use an air purifier effectively. Essentially, an air purifier must be placed so that the air circulation is not blocked and may also be a few feet off the floor to catch odors and smoke in the air.

Like any other appliance, air purifiers will require routine maintenance of filters and sensors for optimum performance. 

Maintain Filters

Many air purifiers have washable pre-filters that can be washed frequently. The mesh pre-filter can be washed with lukewarm water and liquid detergents. You can reinstall them after they get dry. The pre-filter can be vacuumed if they are not washable. 

The HEPA filters will need replacing regularly. The intake and outlet grills can be cleaned by wiping the dirt and grime with a microfiber cloth. 

Clean sensor lens

If the air purifier comes with a dust sensor lens, it can get covered with dust and debris. The glass lens is highly sensitive and will need to be cleaned at least once a month if you want to get accurate readings from the sensor. During certain seasons, such as pollinating seasons, it may need cleaning more than once a month. 

Leave air purifiers on 24/7

Some air purifiers have an auto-mode. The auto-mode adjusts the filtration process according to the air quality present in the room. But those that don’t are best left ON at the lowest fan speeds all the time.

You can leave air purifiers ON 24/7 as they will continuously capture airborne pollutants. Running them 24/7 will not increase your energy bills.

Moreover, air purifiers that are left ON do not necessarily work harder. They only work continuously and ensure that the room remains free of air contaminants. It makes it easier for you to step into rooms that are always clean with high-quality air.

FAQ Section

1. Can you put an air purifier on carpet?

Textiles such as curtains, carpets, and upholstery create a haven for dust particles, and they trap these particles. They also tend to block the filter and make the air purifier work harder to purify the air. In effect, the air purifier must be placed where the air flows freely.

2. Can you put air purifier on a table?

Portable air purifiers can be placed on a table and nearest the source of pollutants. Placing it on a table and not behind or below a table will work best. 

3. Can you move air purifier from room to room?

Yes, you can move the air purifier from room to room, provided it is compact and easily moveable. As long as there is enough airflow in a room and there is more space to place an air purifier, it can be moved anywhere in the house. 

Plug-in air purifiers are portable and can be moved easily where it is most needed.

4. Can you run air purifier with window open?

It is best if the air purifiers are placed in an enclosed space. So, the windows and doors must be closed when the air purifier is ON. If the room is left open, the air purifier will take much longer to clean the indoor air, and it will be a waste of energy.

However, ventilation is essential, and the windows will need to be opened occasionally to draw in the outdoor air that is at least a little fresh. 

5. Where should an air purifier be placed in a small bedroom?

The placement of an air purifier depends on the size of the room. For instance, you would need to place the unit around six to ten feet from the head of the need. This is to ensure that the air does not blow directly in your face as that may disturb your sleep. Such a direct flow of air in your face can also cause a mild headache in the morning.

Ideally, the air intake faces the bed to ensure that the air around the bed gets filtered so that you can breathe easily.

6. How far from the wall should an air purifier be?

All air purifiers are not the same or have similar inlets. It is advisable to have the inlet at least 15 cm or 6 inches from the wall. Many air purifiers are so large that they need to be placed on the floor. Others are more compact and can be placed in bathrooms, desktops, kitchen counters, etc.

But, wherever it is placed, it is essential that the area surrounding the unit is clear enough for good airflow. 

7. How far should air purifier be from bed?

Air purifiers should be placed anywhere between six and ten feet from the bed. If it is placed too close to the head of your bed, it can make it uncomfortable for your sleep and keep waking you up.

Moreover, such a direct hit of air in your face or head can leave a lingering headache throughout the day. Allowing enough open space around the bed is ideal as the airflow will be freer without any obstacles. 

Wrapping Up

Let’s remember that air purifiers have a singular purpose of maintaining clean air quality, be it in your home or in your office. The placement of air purifiers plays a large role in keeping the indoor air quality of your home clean and healthy. 

Clearly, using it the right way by placing it in proper locations, performing regular maintenance, cleaning filters, and operating it as per the manufacturer’s instructions are all necessary steps to take if you want to get the best out of your air purifier. 


About The Author

Olivia — a self-confessed air quality addict — is a home climate enthusiast, fresh air advocate, and someone with deep personal experience and knowledge about mold extermination. Her work was mentioned in countless notable humidity publications. Previously she was an editor at Mold Remediation.

Does air purifier cool the room

Does air purifier cool the room?

Air purifiers recirculate the air after cleaning it of air pollutants such as dust, pet dander, pollen, and other allergens. While their function is not to cool the air, per se, their fans tend to make the air a little cooler. Most air purifiers work like a fan, and when the airflow is directed towards you, the air may feel cooler.

There are some air purifiers that use convection or ionization methods to purify the air. However, only sitting close to the unit may make the air feel cooler. The quantity of air that flows out from an air humidifier will depend on its CADR (clean air delivery rate) rating. 

Is air purifier same as air conditioner?

air purifier vs ac

An air purifier is not the same as an air conditioner. All an air purifier does is circulate the air after it has been purified. Air purifiers’ sole purpose is to eliminate particles floating in the air. They improve indoor air quality by removing airborne particles, smoke, germs, and bad odors. 

Air conditioners, on the other hand, come with a cooling unit. Air conditioners are not designed to prevent air contamination. Air conditioners cool indoor temperature and help in reducing humidity. 

Can air purifiers make the room cold?

Air purifiers neither cool the room nor do they heat it. You can only feel cooler because of the direction of the airflow. Air purifiers with a high CADR may increase the airflow sufficiently to make the room feel cooler. The airflow has two directions – upward and forward. 

Upward flow means that the air is flowing from the top. This type of airflow does not provide any cooling effect.

Forward airflow comes from stand-alone purifiers, and the air flows directly towards you, making the breeze feel cooler.

Do air purifiers make the air dry?

Air purifiers only clean the air and do not work like dehumidifiers to reduce excess moisture from the air. Even so, the air might feel dry because of increased forward airflow or cooler air. For instance, if the fan in the air purifier is running too fast, or the size of the room is too small for the air purifier, the air can feel drier.

Since air purifiers are more commonly bought in recent times due to the air pollutants that tend to seep into homes, it is good to understand the indoor humidity levels and choose the unit accordingly. You would not want the humidity levels to go below 30%, as that will make the air too dry. 

What Can You Do Instead To Cool Down Your Room?

cool room

Having the right indoor temperature increases the comfort levels of a home. For this to happen, you could adopt natural ways of cooling down your room even during the hottest of summers. 

The right curtains

Dark-colored curtains can cool down the room considerably, especially if the curtains are closed during the day, preventing the sun from entering the room. Blinds also can be closed during the day.


Keeping the windows and bedroom doors open during the night can bring in some much-wanted breeze into the room and cool it down. 

Upgrade light bulbs

Using LED bulbs instead of incandescent, fluorescent bulbs are a good way to bring the temperatures down. Electronic equipment brings in heat. LED lights can reduce that as they stay cool and additionally save on your energy bills.  

Ice or cold water in front of the fan

A natural way to bring in cooler air is to place a bowl of cool water or ice in front of the fan. Switching on the fan will blow the coolness into the room. Ideally, the door and windows of the room should be closed so that the coolness stays inside the room. 

What is a cool air purifier and which model is the best?

A cool air purifier is one with dual functionality. It purifies the air and cools it, too. The HEPA filter removes 99.97% of allergens and contaminants, including dust, mold spores, bacteria, etc. It can also monitor real-time air quality and enable remote control of the unit to adjust the settings accordingly. 

The best cool air purifier is Dyson Pure Cool Link TP02 Wi-Fi Enabled Air Purifier. The Dyson technology offers a cleaner, healthier environment as the units are proven to be great preventers of particles as small as bacteria, in other words, as small as 0.3 microns. The features also include a sleep timer, nighttime mode, and it is easy to clean.

Dyson Cool Air Purifier

Additionally, this model includes oscillation, ten airspeed settings and will shut off automatically if the unit gets tipped over. There are no fast-spinning blades that may be dangerous for pets and children. 

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FAQ Section

1. Do air purifiers generate heat?

Air purifiers do not generate heat as they only prevent debris and other particles from entering the rooms. They circulate the air around the indoor space after blocking air pollutants through their HEPA filters.  However, like any other appliance, they can get heated during operation. Keeping the units away from direct sunlight or near a furnace would be best.

2. Does an air purifier help with humidity?

An air purifier does not help with humidity as it does not add or remove moisture from the air. They work only to clean the air by stopping elements such as mold spores, pet dander, dust, and other allergens from entering homes. 

3. Can you use an air purifier and a fan at the same time?

You can use an air purifier and a fan at the same time because the farmer can’t produce high-speed airflow, and the airflow doesn’t extend too far from the purifier.

However, a fan can be used to spread cooler air throughout the room and bring the temperatures down. 

4. Is it good to have an air purifier in your bedroom?

It is good to have an air purifier in your bedroom because it will help you sleep better. Breathing difficulties caused by allergens can disturb sleep leaving you tired and low in energy. Having these elements out of the bedroom air will go a long way to giving you a good night’s sleep. 

Wrapping Up

Air purifiers are a boon in today’s environment as the air contains too many pollutants. The air we breathe has become increasingly important to maintain good health and any effort towards improving the indoor air quality is a must.

Therefore, investing in a good air purifier is worth it in the long term for the well-being of you and your family.


About The Author

Olivia — a self-confessed air quality addict — is a home climate enthusiast, fresh air advocate, and someone with deep personal experience and knowledge about mold extermination. Her work was mentioned in countless notable humidity publications. Previously she was an editor at Mold Remediation.

How much electricity does an air purifier use

How much electricity does an air purifier use?

Our expert tips on how to improve indoor air quality on a budget.

Are you looking at air purifiers to improve air quality in your home? Surely, you have considered the various factors related to the unit, such as the room size, number of air purifiers you need, how much electricity will be consumed, and your budget. 

When it comes to budget, you would need to keep two factors in mind – the unit’s initial cost and the monthly energy bills. You would not want to buy a unit or units and find that they consume a lot of electricity, causing a steep spike in your energy costs. Let’s understand a little more about air purifiers and their power consumption. 

Do Air Purifiers Use a Lot of Electricity?

Household appliances that run on motors and fans need electricity to function. According to Energy Star, a standard air purifier that is switched ON 24/7 consumes around 458 kWh per year, i.e., around 50 W on average to operate. When compared with appliances like refrigerators, the electricity consumed by an air purifier seems rather high.

However, it would be ideal to use energy-efficient air purifiers. The electricity used by air purifiers can vary as it depends on the technology and the size of the unit. 

Factors That Determine Your Air Purifier’s Electricity Usage?

Electricity Bill At Home

There are several factors to consider when trying to understand the electricity usage of your air purifier. 

Air purifier technology

Here, the technology refers to the air purifying system used to clean the air. Some common air purifiers use air filters that use chemicals or ions to clean the air or use UV light or heat to remove air pollutants. 
Other air purifiers draw the air in and pass it through water that is stored in a tank inside the unit to remove pollutants. Different methods consume different amounts of energy.  

Environment and running speed

Running speed refers to the fan speed at which the air purifier draws air and releases it back into the rooms. More energy will be consumed when the air purifies when it pulls the air in faster. Most air purifiers come with speed settings ranging from low to high. Naturally, the power consumption is higher when the air purifier is set on high.

Air purifiers will also consume more electricity if they are in a highly polluted environment because they will have to work harder and faster to remove the air pollutants. Automation in air purifiers enables the unit to switch speeds according to the level of pollution.

Suppose the air purifier is working in an open area or the doors and windows are left open. In that case, the coverage area is more, and the unit has to operate on the most intensive energy consumption mode to be effective.

Air purifier fan

Most air purifiers have a fan, and these fans vary in size. If the fan is big and the propeller is heavy, it will need more energy to spin and circulate the air. 

Area coverage capacity

It is essential that you keep the size of the room or area in mind when using an air purifier. For instance, using a small unit for a large room means that the unit has to work much harder to circulate the cleaned air throughout the room. 

Watt rating

The watt rating is explained by the amount of electricity your air purifier consumes per hour. The user manual of an air purifier will indicate the highest amount of electricity your air purifier can consume per hour when operated at full capacity.

The right unit will only use as much electricity as its watt rating. Anything higher than that will mean that your air purifier needs to be checked out. 

How much does it cost to run an air purifier?

air purifier at home

The kilowatt is the standard measurement when measuring electricity. One kW is 1000 watts, and it is billed per kWh as that is what your energy company will charge. The electricity bill is based on the amount of kWh you use each month. The calculation goes like this:

Average purifier kW per hour * hours per day * cost per kW.

However, the cost per kW will vary depending on the local electricity rate because there may be slight differences in the electricity costs.

If you take the average kW per hour at $0.12 and average watts per hour at 0.050, considering that the air purifier is operated 24/7, the calculation will go like this:

kWh of 50 watts * 24 hours * 0.012 = around $50/ year.

Keeping all of the listed factors in mind, the smart buyer would go for the most energy-efficient air purifier, such as the RabbitAirMinusA2 Ultra Quiet HEPA Air Purifier. 

Which is the most energy efficient air purifier?

The most energy-efficient air purifier is the RabbitAirMinusA2 Ultra Quiet HEPA Air Purifier. This unit has the most advanced HEPA filtration system with six stages of purification and deodorization, i.e., the filter can be customized for odor removal, germ defense, pet allergy, or toxin remover. This feature makes it easy to trap and reduce odors, such as smoke, pet odor, cooking, and mold and mildew, that fill the air.

Best Air Purifier For Home

It can either be wall-mounted or stand-alone units. Single units offer a maximum room coverage of 700 sq. ft. The MinusA2 is also Energy Star certified. 

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FAQ Section

1. Are There Air Purifiers That Don’t Use as Much Electricity?

Energy Star certified on the energy efficiency of air purifiers don’t use as much electricity. The certification requires that manufacturers of air purifiers measure CADR according to AHAM/ANSI AC-1-2002.

2. Should I run my air purifier 24/7?

You could run the air purifier 24/ 7 by leaving it on low settings so that there is continuous cleaning of air inside the room.

3. How much electricity does an air conditioner use?

The electricity consumed by an air conditioner will depend on the climate of the region, the type of the air conditioner, and if it is used in the ‘fan only’ mode often. The average central air conditioner can consume up to 3500 watts per hour during summer.

Portable air conditioners and window units may consume fewer watts per hour.

4. Are Dyson air purifiers expensive to run?

The Dyson air purifiers use powerful fans to send in slightly cooler air through the room. They are manufactured using the latest technology and are energy-efficient.

As long as you choose the right size of the unit and use it as per the manufacturer’s instructions, you will find that they are not expensive to run. 

5. How much electricity does a Honeywell air purifier use?

Air purifiers are usually energy-efficient appliances. Among the many air purifier brands, Honeywell air purifier 50250 shows that it uses around 200 watts on its highest, 165 watts on medium, and 103 watts on its lowest setting.

6. What are certified air purifiers?

Air purifiers to be AHAM (Association of home appliance manufacturers) certified are evaluated on several factors. For instance, they must reduce allergens in the air and not reintroduce allergens back into the coverage area; they must meet the code of federal regulations, which stipulate that only 0.1mg/ m3 of ozone must be produced as a by-product. 

Wrapping Up

Air purifiers ensure clean air and good health. With the many air purifiers in the market, it may be difficult to choose the right one for your home. Being armed with pertinent facts such as room size and coverage area, how much electricity they may consume, the technology, and special features will make it easy to shop for the most suitable air purifier.

What’s even better is to know the amount of electricity the unit may consume and the average costs you are likely to incur on your monthly utility bills, as that factor will play a big role in decision making.

There are already a number of appliances in our homes that we cannot do without and those consume electricity, too. Therefore, planning ahead and including the monthly costs of adding an air purifier would be a smart move.


About The Author

Olivia — a self-confessed air quality addict — is a home climate enthusiast, fresh air advocate, and someone with deep personal experience and knowledge about mold extermination. Her work was mentioned in countless notable humidity publications. Previously she was an editor at Mold Remediation.

Do air purifiers help with dust

Do air purifiers help with dust?

It is next to impossible to keep dust out as much as you may want to. Unfortunately, there is more dust because of more traffic and vehicles that have added to the air pollution. However hard you try to keep your indoor space clean and dust-free, you are going to find a film of dust coating all surfaces. In fact, your wiping the dust only makes it circulate and land elsewhere instead of leaving entirely.

Why you should care about dust in the air?

Should you care about the dust? Yes, because dust is an irritant. Dust irritates the skin, eyes, nose, and throat often leading to respiratory illness if you are allergic. Dust is also considered an allergen that causes sneezing and your eyes to water. Even those that are not allergic can be impacted negatively. 
We pay a high price if we live in a region that is prone to dust and a home that is permeated with dust.

Do air purifiers really remove dust?

An air purifier, as the name suggests, purifies the air by removing dust and other air pollutants. It contains a fan and filter with the filtration technology of either the HEPA filtering or the newer PECO technology. Essentially, the air gets passed through the unit, and the air pollutants get trapped by the filter. The air that is cleaned or in other words, purified gets past the filter and into the room.

Which is a good quality air purifier that removes the most dust?

Medify Ma 25

Medify MA-25 Air Purifier is one that has an H13 True HEPA filter to prevent dust, odors, pet dander, and smoke. The HEPA filter is known to remove more than 99.9% of dust particles. It is a noiseless air purifier that has 3 fan speeds, where the lowest setting is most quiet. It runs at 110 volts and has a minimum noise level of 35db and a maximum noise level of 51db.

It can also be put into a sleep mode to dim the air purifier’s display panel lights. It has replaceable True HEPA filters that are dual filters with three layers, and easy-to-use features including touch screen operations, filter replacement indicator, child lock, and sleep mode. 

Using an air purifier in homes has become common because of dust particles that fill the air and because people are becoming increasingly sensitive to dust. But, it will still help to understand the pros and cons of using an air purifier indoors.

Pros of Medify MA-25 air purifiers:

The best air purifiers keep homes odor-free. This is especially useful in urban areas where there are too many structures that block the free circulation of air. Sweaty socks, messy trash cans, vehicular emissions, all bring in foul odor. An air purifier can keep these odors out.

Air purifiers for dust removal are commonly used in homes to keep the pollution outside and they help in keeping the indoor environment dust-free and healthy.

Homes with no separate smoking zone don’t have to smell smoke throughout the house and affect the children, elderly, and non-smokers.

Free of vapors:
Vapors from paint fumes, varnishes, etc. are volatile organic compounds that are barely noticeable but are harmful agents. Keeping them out through the best air purifier promotes better living conditions.

Air purifiers can keep your homes well-ventilated, without relying heavily on energy supplies, making them energy-efficient. 

Keeping household dust out means also keeping allergens out. Pet dander and microorganisms that pets bring indoors can fill your homes with not just pet smells but also other allergens that can trigger asthma attacks. Air purifiers help keep such allergens out without having to spray any room fresheners.

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There is no ignoring the fact that the air quality is worsening day by day. Air purifiers are evolving through advanced and innovative technology making them as useful as possible given the current air quality. The fact remains that air purifiers can protect you and your loved ones from contracting respiratory difficulties and improving air quality in your homes. 

The best air purifiers have complex filtration systems to trap dust particles, microorganisms, and other pollutants. They also help with allergies by preventing the entry of various allergens and airborne contaminants into the air. Therefore, air purifiers are beneficial in the long term as long as they are regularly serviced and maintained to operate at optimum efficiency.

How to Get Rid of Dust At Home naturally? [In 5 Easy Steps]

getting rid of dust at home

Did you know that there are ways in which you can keep the dust out naturally? They are simple and easy to follow. Here’s how:

Fix a daily cleaning routine
If you can prevent the entry of dust, you have won half the battle. While it is not entirely possible, an attempt at setting a daily routine can go a long way to keeping your home dust-free. Missing a day or two may not be bad, but it is best to make sure that too many days don’t go by when the dust keeps accumulating. Cleaning it later rather than sooner can be overwhelming. 

Organised cleaning
Cleaning in a haphazard manner can make things worse. It is better to be organized even in cleaning your home. Common sense suggests that if you clean the fixtures after vacuuming the carpet, the dust will settle on to the cleaned carpet. So, cleaning from top to bottom is recommended. Mopping the floor or vacuuming should ideally come last. 

Dusting and wiping surfaces
Using microfiber cleaning cloths and tools is the best as they capture the tiniest of dust particles with ease. Wiping down areas that are commonly more prone to gathering household dust, including blinds, cobwebs in the corners, room corners, closets, lampshades, etc. must be routine.

Regular vacuuming of dust particles
Brooms are not effective because they merely circulate the dust instead of removing them. Vacuuming, on the other hand, is more effective as it sucks up the dust completely, especially in heavy-traffic areas. Such areas may require vacuuming twice or three times a week while the less frequented parts of the home can be vacuumed once a week. 

Remove clutter
Keeping homes clutter-free can be a major step to keeping the space free from dust. Items that are not used regularly tend to form piles of clutter that are a haven for dust particles and dust mites. Keeping clutter in check can help not only in a free cleaning effort but also in leaving no room for dust to gather. 

FAQ Section

1. How Often Do You Need To Change An Air Purifier’s Filter?

The air purifier’s filters are best changed every 3 – 6 months. But, for those suffering from allergies or asthma, the filters should be changed every 30 – 60 days. Manufacturers will offer recommendations as to the frequency of changing air purifier filters, depending on the type of air purifiers.

2. What exactly are dust mites?

Dust mites are insect-like pests and are microscopic. They produce common allergens that trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks. Dust mites can usually be found in mattresses, upholstery, carpets, and curtains.

3. What is the Best Type of Air Purifier for Dust?

The best type of air purifier is one that has HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters because they can remove up to 99.9% of dust particles to control the dust inside homes.

4. Does an air purifier make a big difference?

Studies show that air purifiers can make a big difference to the air quality by removing dust, allergens, mold, mildew, and smoke. 

5. Do doctors recommend air purifiers?

Doctors have offered mixed responses as to the efficacy of air purifiers. But, they are clear on the fact that the air quality has become poor and continues to have pollutants that harm the respiratory health of children and adults. Seasonal allergies can present problems making eyes water, itchiness, and cause sneezing and coughing. Pet dander and pollen are also causes of allergic reactions. Air purifiers, if well maintained, can filter the dust and keep allergies at bay.

6. How do air purifiers work in polluted environment?

Air purifiers primarily work on sanitising air. Air that is filled with pollutants produces allergens and toxins that cause ill health. Naturally, clean air is hard to find and air purifiers work to purify the air before circulating it back into the room. 

7. Do air purifiers remove toxins?

Air purifiers can filter most pollutants from the air; but, the filters may not work well against volatile organic compounds. However, some of the airborne particles can be toxic and they enter the room along with tiny dust particles. Therefore, air purifiers do serve their purpose of controlling the air indoors.


Are you looking for a way to keep your home environment fresh and clean? Air purifiers remove dust and could be the answer as they improve air quality by sending in cleaned and purified air by filtering all the unwanted tiny particles.