Do humidifiers help with snoring

Do humidifiers help with snoring

A chronic snoring problem is certainly a hindrance to peaceful sleep. You will be surprised to know how many adult women and men struggle with chronic snoring. While some are able to prevent snoring with a change in sleeping positions, others are not able to stop snoring with a change in positions as well. Obstructive sleep apnea is becoming more come these days.

Thankfully, there are several remedies available to help with snoring. When snoring occurs you can always reach out for medical help to prevent the snoring problem and sleep apnea permanently. The other doubt that persists is how humidifiers help with snoring. It is true you can have a humidifier to help with a snoring problem.

In this article, we will discuss in brief how humidifiers help with a snoring problem, what you can do to prevent snoring, and what to do when snoring occurs.

How can humidifiers help with snoring?

The relation between humidifiers and how humidifier help with snoring is simple to understand. There can be many reasons that lead to snoring. Adult women and men with sleep apnea will need more serious medical treatment. Understanding the root cause of the snoring problem can help to resolve the issue faster and better.

How can humidifiers help with snoring

Most humidifiers, whether they are cool mist humidifier that increases the moisture levels using cool mist, warm mist humidifier that can add moisture to small or large rooms with their soothing warm water vapor, evaporative humidifiers, or ultrasonic humidifiers that make use of high-frequency vibrations- all of these humidifier models can help with symptoms of sleep apnea and snoring. When you add moisture to dry air, the moisture levels of the surrounding is improved. As the humidity levels increase, allergens, dust mites, mold spores, microorganisms, etc., are also reduced. If these allergy triggers are the cause of disturbed sleep, they can be removed to promote peaceful sleeping and easier breathing by using a humidifier.

The other symptoms and problems of dry air are blocked mucal lining in the nasal cavities and nasal passages, nasal congestion, sore throat, dry skin, sinus problems, etc. These signs of dry air and low humidity levels can be minimized with humidifiers. Snoring caused by blocks in the nasal passages, nasal cavities, and sinus problems can be relieved by using humidifiers. A humidifier helps to significantly reduce snoring by elevating the moisture levels in dry air. As the blocks in the nasal cavities and nasal passages are moistened and cleared away, the snoring will also reduce.

The other symptoms and problems of dry air

However, snoring from a deviated septum and other health problems or defects from birth can aggravate and lead to sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is dangerous to health and needs medical intervention. The person will experience mood swings and function with less energy as a result of the disturbed sleeping pattern. Using nasal strips, and using a humidifier as a part of the nightly routine can help to ease sleep apnea as well with the cool or warm vapors released from the humidifier. It is crucial to identify the root cause of breathing and sleep disturbances in sleep apnea.

Poor indoor air quality and cold air from air conditioning during a warmer climate could also increase the dryness in the air. Using air purifiers and humidifiers can help to add moisture to the dry air and improve the air quality as well. This is how humidifier helps with snoring.

Poor indoor air quality and cold air from air conditioning

What is better for snoring cool mist or warm mist humidifier?

Both cool and warm mist humidifiers have their own set of advantages. Both of the models are effective in adding moist air to the room which can balance the humidity levels and also improve air quality indoors. This can reduce disturbance in sleeping and the causes of snoring that results from congestion and blocked noses.

What is better for snoring cool mist or warm mist humidifier

Cool mist humidifiers tend to be more effective in the cooler climate, and warm mist humidifiers are suitable for the summer.

Best humidifiers for snoring: Our recommendations

Knowing that it is beneficial to have a humidifier help with snoring, let us take a look at the best humidifiers in the market that help with snoring.

Best humidifiers for snoring: Our recommendations

Everlasting Comfort 6L Cool Mist Humidifiers

Everlasting Humidifier main

The best humidifier that we strongly recommend to not just maintain the ideal relative humidity levels in your home, but also help you with easy breathing and sleeping is the Everlasting Comfort 6L Cool Mist Humidifier. This is one of the best humidifiers to add moisture to a dry environment.

The 6L water tank capacity is large enough to hold the water required to create cooling water vapor for 50 hours continually. Despite the large water tank capacity, the water reservoir is easy to clean and refill. The fully adjustable and multidirectional mist output makes it ideal to add moisture levels across the room.

The other advantages of this cool mist humidifier are; whisper-quiet operation, 360-degree nozzle, aroma box to add in essential oils of one’s choice, Auto shut off feature when the tank is empty, etc. By adding moisture to the dry space, the cool mist humidifier will fight against low humidity symptoms like difficulty in breathing, dry throat, dry skin, congestion, snoring, etc.

Do you want to bring him this humidifier? Visit to purchase the Everlasting Comfort 6L Cool Mist Humidifier at an exciting discount.

Pros and Cons of Everlasting Comfort 6L Cool Mist Humidifier

  • One of the best cool mist humidifiers to get relief and help with sleep apnea and snoring.
  • Best cool mist humidifiers to water vapor to dry air.
  • The water tank capacity of this cool mist humidifier is large enough to add 6L of distilled water for humidification.
  • One among the trusted ultrasonic humidifiers to help with snoring and nasal congestion that comes even with dryness from air conditioning.
  • Ease to clean aroma box (where essential oils can be added), and water reservoir to keep away mold growth.
  • The best humidifier to add more moisture and remove dryness, especially in the allergy season.
  • Equipped to significantly reduce symptoms like dry throat, congestion, and other health problems from low moisture.

AquaOasis 2L Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier

Aquaoasis nursery humidifier

The second unit that we have here is also one of the highly recommended cool mist humidifiers. It helps to fight the side effects of low humidity and dry air effortlessly. By adding cool mist into the dry environment, this unit increases the humidity levels of the room. The moist air removes dryness experienced in the body and even promotes peaceful sleep.

The 2L distilled water tank capacity is adequate to cover any small to a medium-sized bedroom. The tank capacity is built to run for 24 hours continually. This is one of those models in cool mist humidifiers that have a 360-degree rotatable mist nozzle that helps to adjust the humidification. The whisper-quiet operation makes this an ideal choice for bedrooms and nurseries. The Automatic shut-off feature guarantees safety.

Are you interested in bringing home this humidifier to promote peaceful sleeping? Visit to purchase this model at the best offer price.

Pros and Cons of Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier

  • An ideal choice for effortless humidification in any place.
  • Effective to relieve blocked and stuffy noses and prevent snoring problems.
  • Like most humidifiers of larger capacity, it is equipped with features to adjust humidification.
  • The water reservoir is easy to clean and sufficient to hold 2L of water for 24 hours of humidification.
  • Offers whisper-quiet operation.

What is the best method to stop snoring?

Now that we know how do humidifiers help with snoring, there might be an eagerness to try the best model to stop snoring. We would like to emphasize again that humidifiers help to reduce snoring that occurs from nasal congestion. Sleep disorders like sleep apnea require medical diagnosis and treatment. Certain birth deformities and even thickening of the soft palate (in the case of obesity) can cause sleep apnea. Trying to stop these issues by using only a humidifier will turn out to be futile.

What is the best method to stop snoring?

Right sleeping positions

Sleeping on the back can aggravate snoring. This is because the soft palate will rest on the back wall of the throat which will cause obstruction of airflow. Sleeping on your side or sleeping with the head in an elevated position can help you to prevent snoring.

Right sleeping positions

You must remember that using a humidifier for an issue as such will be ineffective. The role of a humidifier here to improve the air quality and relax the airways alone can be beneficial.

Reduce body weight

Sudden weight gain and obesity can lead to the onset of snoring. The accumulation of fat tissues around the neck will constrict the air channels, making breathing difficult and increasing snoring. A healthy lifestyle and staying within the BMI can prevent and stop snoring.

Reduce body weight

Birth deformities

Few others might have birth deformities that will lead to snoring inevitably. Irregularities in the nasal cavity like nasal polyps, deviated septum, an elongated palate, etc., are common conditions that will obstruct the airway and cause snoring.

Birth deformities

Reduce body weight

Sudden weight gain and obesity can lead to the onset of snoring. The accumulation of fat tissues around the neck will constrict the air channels, making breathing difficult and increasing snoring. A healthy lifestyle and staying within the BMI can prevent and stop snoring.

Birth deformities

Few others might have birth deformities that will lead to snoring inevitably. Irregularities in the nasal cavity like nasal polyps, deviated septum, an elongated palate, etc., are common conditions that will obstruct the airway and cause snoring.

Avoid alcohol and other relaxants

Any form of drug or substance that relaxes the body and muscles can trigger snoring. Regular smoking and alcohol will consistently decrease tension and relax the muscles of the body, including the throat. As a result of this, the airways are constricted and snoring can be triggered. Setting limits to the use of any relaxing substance intake can certainly help in controlling snoring and promoted undisturbed sleep.

Avoid alcohol and other relaxants

FAQ Section

1. Is snoring unhealthy?

Yes. long-term snoring is unhealthy and risky to one’s health. Loud and long-term snoring can eventually lead to sleep disorders like sleep apnea. They may also pave the way to heart diseases, diabetes, stroke, and other related health problems.

If the snoring is caused by smoking tobacco, alcohol use, obesity, or treatable conditions like allergies or humidity; you must not delay in finding a solution to stop the snoring problem at the earliest.

2. What blocks out the sound of snoring?

The sound of loud snoring can be blocked out with foam earplugs, noise-canceling machines, and white noise machines.

3. What do you use on a humidifier to help snoring?

To promote sleep and reduce snoring you can add essential oils to the aroma box of your cool or warm mist humidifier. Warm mist humidifiers can be relaxing with warm vapor. However, cool mist humidifiers tend to be more of a safer option.

You must check if the essential oils are allergy triggers themselves and might disrupt your sleep further.

4. Does a cold room help with snoring?

A cold room with the right temperature can help with snoring. However, drying and freezing air can make snoring worse. The result of sleeping in a room that is filled with cold air for long hours is a dry throat, dry mouth, and dry nasal passages. These can aggravate snoring by making effortless breathing difficult.

It is important to have the room temperature at a comfortable level at all times, especially at night to prevent stressing the respiratory system.

5. What side should a snorer sleep on?

The best sleeping position for a snorer is on the side. Back sleeping will make the soft palate rest on the back wall of the throat and constrict the airway. Whereas, side sleeping cancels the force of gravity to block the airway and ensures undisturbed breathing.

6. Is Sleeping with a humidifier good for your lungs?

Having a humidifier in your bedroom while you sleep can be good for your lungs provided the humidity levels are monitored continually. Both air purifiers and humidifiers have their own mechanism to trap allergens and enhance indoor air quality. With a humidifier adding moisture to the dry environment, you will notice minimized allergens and easier breathing.

Air purifiers have air filters in them that will need regular cleaning to prevent the spread of allergens by using unclean filters. Similarly, keeping the water tank in the humidifier free from mold and bacterial growth is also important. Apart from this word of caution, air purifiers and humidifiers are beneficial in protecting lung health.

Wrapping Up

With this, we have reached the end of the article. We trust the article answered your questions on how humidifiers help with snoring. Do not forget to reach out to your doctor at the earliest if you struggle with sleep disorders and chronic snoring. Share with us your experiences with using humidifiers to reduce snoring and which model is your favorite.


About The Author

Olivia — a self-confessed air quality addict — is a home climate enthusiast, fresh air advocate, and someone with deep personal experience and knowledge about mold extermination. Her work was mentioned in countless notable humidity publications. Previously she was an editor at Mold Remediation.

Where to put humidifier?

Where to put humidifier?

Finding the right humidifier for the home is a challenge. Cool mist humidifiers, warm mist humidifiers, ultrasonic humidifiers, and evaporative humidifiers are the various types of humidifiers available in the market. Apart from finding the right model for your home, you must also focus your attention on where you place your humidifier in the room. Whether you place a humidifier in your bedroom, living room, kids’ room, or any other small room; the right humidifier placement is crucial to maintain the relative humidity levels.

In this article, we will discuss in detail why you must pay attention to getting the humidifier placement right, and the impact of where you place your humidifier on the air moisture. Let us get started!

Does it matter where you put humidifier?

Yes! It certainly matters where you place a humidifier in your bedroom, living room, or any other small room or large room. You can experience the benefits of using a humidifier only by using it correctly.

Does it matter where you put humidifier

Where you put a humidifier in your bedroom can decide how much moisturized air circulates in the room. An already moist environment or a room with excess moisture will need the humidifier to be placed appropriately or turned On only when required. Similarly, a dry air environment that does not have enough moisture and needs the help of a humidifier to add moisture to the air will look forward to a centralized positioning of the humidifier.

A warm mist humidifier cannot be placed in the same spot as a cool mist humidifier. This is because of the hot water tank in warm mist humidifiers which are a burn hazard. While using a humidifier in your kids’ room there are more cautious measures to be undertaken, especially with a warm mist humidifier that has a hot water tank and a tray underneath.

A warm mist humidifier cannot be placed in the same spot as a cool mist humidifier

Apart from safety reasons, where you put a humidifier in your bedroom will decide on the effectiveness of maintaining the desired humidity levels. When you place your humidifier in the right position after careful estimation, you can prevent adding too much moisture to the air and ensure that the air moisture is maintained as required.

Apart from safety reasons, where you put a humidifier in your bedroom will decide on the effectiveness of maintaining the desired humidity levels

Humidifier Placement Guide: Our Answers To Commonly Asked Questions

When you place your humidifier in a room, you must pay attention to the factors that not just increase the efficiency and performance, but also to other safety measures that must be paid attention to. Here are some points to remember when you place a humidifier in its location.

Humidifier Placement Guide: Our Answers To Commonly Asked Questions

* Electrical outlets:

A water-rich environment comes with disadvantages when it has electrical wiring beside it. You must place the humidifier at a safe distance from any outlet that can start electrical fires. Making the best use of any water-resistant material to keep short-circuiting and water logging away is recommended.

Electrical outlets:

* Humidifier size and electronic appliances

You must select the right size of humidifier and place it also in the right spot. Portable units and any compact humidifier are easy to keep in any nook and corner of a living room or bedroom. However, even while placing a portable humidifier to maintain the desired humidity levels of space, you must avoid putting the unit next to other electronic appliances.

Humidifier size and electronic appliances

When you put your humidifier next to other appliances it can result in damaging them. As you set your humidifier to distribute vapors evenly, any appliance that is in close quarters to it will be affected by the damp environment that is created. Unlike an air conditioner, cold mist humidifiers are capable of producing a cloud of white dust as a result of the mineral deposits from tap water. It is therefore advisable to only use distilled water inside the water tank of a cool mist humidifier, warm mist humidifier, evaporative humidifier, or ultrasonic humidifier.

* Sunlight

Irrespective of whether you have a portable humidifier or a whole-house humidifier, you must remember to place your humidifier away from sunlight. When you put a humidifier, that has enough moisture content in it under sunlight, the damp environment is going to support bacterial growth eventually in the tray underneath.


Bacteria growing in a water tank humidifier is hazardous to health. The tray underneath the humidifier must be scrubbed and kept clean to prevent mold growth, mold spores, and bacterial growth. You must keep the humidifier clean at all times to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases.

* Radiators and Air vents

Another point to remember is to never place a humidifier near a radiator or air vents. When you put your humidifier near a radiator or vent, or any other heat source you will obtain a faulty humidity reading. Humidifiers that have built-in hygrometers will produce low humidity readings. This is due to the low-humidity air coming out of the vent.

Radiators and Air vents

In order to compensate for this error, the unit will produce excess water vapor. The best way to avoid this from happening is to place your humidifier in a central position, away from heat sources.

Where to put humidifier in nursery?

Like any other room, where you place a humidifier in a kids’ room is important, especially because children can accidentally knock over any equipment. In order to maintain the ideal preferred humidity levels you must consider various parameters before you purchase the right humidifier for the child’s room. The size of the room and the size of the humidifier makes all the difference.

Where to put humidifier in nursery?

Depending on the size of the room and the number of children sleeping or staying in the room, you just invest in the humidifier’s capacity. This will determine if the room needs a small humidifier or a large humidifier. Investing in a water-resistant material, a quiet humidifier, and a portable humidifier, and keeping it away from direct sunlight is important. Too much mist or too much moisture added to the room will lead to a water-rich environment. This will promote mold spores and mold growth. In order to prevent adding excess moisture, find models that come with Automatic humidistat controls.

Cold mist humidifiers with distilled water are another priority of a baby room. A warm mist humidifier with boiling water in its water tank is a burn heard. It can even start electrical fires if your child happens to accidentally knock over the unit.

Cold mist humidifiers with distilled water are another priority of a baby room

Remember to place the unit at a distance of 3 feet or more away from the crib or the bed. This will provide adequate airflow to the low-humidity air without adding excess moisturized air. Ample airflow, adjustable and monitored humidity readings, and the right placement is what your baby’s room requires to keep away dry air, dry skin, and other allergies.

Where to put humidifier in bedroom?

Where you place a humidifier in the bedroom makes all the difference in helping you have a relaxed and peaceful sleep. If you place your humidifier too close to your bed it can aggravate allergy flare-ups. You must find the right place for your unit, whether it is a small humidifier or a large humidifier (depending on the humidifier’s capacity).

Where to put humidifier in bedroom?

Using a humidifier in the bedroom at a distance of 3 feet from the bed is considered the safest spot. You must remember to tuck away electrical cords or other items that can cause an accident. Allergies from white dust mites, pet dander, mold spores, etc., can be relieved by using a humidifier at night.

On the contrary, if you put your humidifier too close to the bed it will lead to mold spores and mold growth as a result of adding too much moisture. You must put your humidifier in a spot where there is ample airflow to distribute the moisturized air evenly. Humidifiers are not equipped to have an even distribution of the added water vapor (unless you set it to), like an air conditioner, and therefore some help is essential.

Where should you put plant humidifier?

It is recommended to put a humidifier near the plants. This will ensure the houseplants have healthy relative humidity levels for them, which is ideally 70% to 80%. You must neither put a humidifier too close to the plants and add moisture in excess nor should you keep it away. Placing the unit in a position of ample airflow and in close proximity to the plants will meet the required humidity levels.

Where should you put plant humidifier

Where to put humidifier in apartment?

Finding a permanent central position for the humidifier is the best solution to have effective control over the humidity levels across the apartment. Remember to meet other parameters, like keeping the unit away from direct sunlight, investing in a quiet humidifier for silent operation, and purchasing the right humidifier size with a large water tank capacity or a small tank to meet the humidification needs adequately. The central position must be a few feet above the ground and carpets to keep away spills and water stagnation.

Where to put humidifier in apartment

Most advanced models of humidifiers have 360-degree rotatable mist nozzles that can disperse the vapors evenly. This makes it easy to add moisture to the dry air and keeps away other symptoms of low humidity levels like dry skin, dry throat, itchy eyes, chest congestion, etc. Advanced humidifiers also have features to constantly monitor the moist environment to prevent adding excess moisture to the dry air.

Cool mist humidifiers and ultrasonic humidifiers are the ideal choices. These units when filled with distilled water will keep the space filled with enhanced air quality, moisture, and also with the ideal humidity level; without having white dust getting dispersed in the air.

FAQ Section

1. Should humidifiers be placed high or low?

Keeping the humidifiers at a slightly elevated position is recommended. This will keep away electrical wires out of the way to prevent tripping hazards. A humidifier when placed at a few feet above the ground level will ensure the carpets and flooring are not filled with dampness when they add moisture to the environment.

Excess moisture in the flooring and carpets will soon lead to mold formation when left unattended. It is therefore suggested to keep the humidifier always in a higher position. It is also a matter of safety in units that have boiling water in them.

2. Is It Safe to Sleep with a Humidifier in Your Bedroom?

Yes. You can sleep in a bedroom that has a humidifier turned On. It is strongly advised to discuss this with your physician before you do this to rule out any complications. Sleeping in a room with a humidifier turned On will add moisture to the space. It can help to relieve chest congestion, stuffy nose, blocked nasal passages, and other side effects of a low humidity level.

Those struggling with snoring will also benefit from using a humidifier that can promote peaceful and undisturbed sleep. It is crucial to have models that have Automatic models to turn Off the unit when the tank is empty. Ultrasonic humidifiers even have a built-in adjustable humidistat that can monitor the existing humidity level even the room and maintain the moisture addition.

3. Should humidifier be facing you?

Do not put a humidifier to face you directly or very close to you. Place a humidifier a few feet away from you, irrespective of whether it is a small room or a large living room. Keeping a humidifier to face you directly is going to increase the difficulty to breathe, increase infections if there are allergens growing in the tray underneath, lead to humidifier fever from inhaling the white dust from tap water mineral deposits, and even a burn risk if they use hot water.

4. Does a humidifier make room colder or hotter?

Whether it is your living room, bedroom, or any room where you put a humidifier can either feel hotter or cooler. How a humidifier makes a room feel will depend on the humidity levels. It can either make the space cool or hotter depending on the existing humidity levels of the place. A high humidity level can create the impression of higher temperature, and a low humidity air coming can make it feel cooler.

It is therefore important to balance the humidity levels accurately to maintain the desired and healthy humidity and temperature.

5. Where to put large humidifier?

Unlike portable units that are smaller and easier to move around the place of one’s choice, a larger humidifier is difficult to keep shifting and can benefit from a more permanent spot. You can place a humidifier that is larger in a corner. This will be out of the way, keep away tripping hazards, and can also get even coverage in moisture addition.

Wrapping Up

With this, we have reached the end of the article. We trust the article helped you to understand where to place a humidifier for the best maintenance of humidity levels and moisture addition. Share with us in the comments below where you place a humidifier in your bedroom or living room and how it the humidifier placement improves or inhibits moisture addition.


About The Author

Olivia — a self-confessed air quality addict — is a home climate enthusiast, fresh air advocate, and someone with deep personal experience and knowledge about mold extermination. Her work was mentioned in countless notable humidity publications. Previously she was an editor at Mold Remediation.

Can a humidifier set off a smoke alarm

Can a humidifier set off a smoke alarm

Smoke alarms or smoke detectors are important safety sensors that are compulsory in many places. It is common to see smoke alarms installed in offices, shopping malls, and other public places. Many fire marshals emphasize the need to have a smoke detector for the entire house and how having one can help in detecting flash fires and save countless lives. Since smoke alarms detect smoke, it is often noticed that they confuse steam from humidifiers as well. Steam coming out from a bathroom or humidifier can also set off a smoke alarm.

Steam coming out from a bathroom or humidifier

In this article we will discuss in brief how can a humidifier set off a smoke alarm and what you can do in the case of false alarms. Let us get started!

3 Key Takeaways:

🚀 Humidifiers can indeed set off smoke detectors due to the high humidity levels they introduce to the environment

🚀 Having a built-in humidistat to monitor the humidity levels can help you to avoid false alarms.

🚀 The Google Nest Protect is recommended as an advanced smoke detector that can differentiate between smoke particles and steam from humidifiers.

Can humidifier cause smoke alarm to go off?

Yes. Humidifiers can trigger a smoke detector to go off. This can happen if the area where the smoke alarm is installed has high humidity levels. A humidifier adds moisture particles to the dry air inside the house, in order to raise the low humidity levels. As this happens and the cool mist or warm steam coming from the humidifier will eventually increase the humidity level of the area.

Smoke alarms or smoke detectors are designed to detect smoke particles and water particles. If your home has an ionized smoke detector, the humidifiers will certainly set the alarm off. The fine water droplets or the water particles that are dispersed into the air inside the house will interfere with the current flowing between the detector plates of the ionized smoke detector.

Can humidifier cause smoke alarm to go off

When it comes to ionization smoke detectors, even a small disturbance in the flow of current between the detector plates will trigger the alarm. The ionized smoke alarms will fail to differentiate between the water particles and the smoke particles.

Photoelectric smoke alarms also have increased sensitivity levels. The very presence of high humidity levels coming from the humidifier is sufficient to trigger a photoelectric smoke alarm to set off false alarms. A photoelectric smoke detector comes with two chambers; one of which has an LED light beam. When the mist or fine water droplets coming from the humidifiers enter this chamber in a photoelectric smoke alarm, scattering of the particles takes place as the light beam passes for the smoke particles. This scattered light beam passes into the chamber that has the photo sensors. The photo sensors are responsible to start the fire alarm in the case of photoelectric smoke alarms.

LED lightLED light

The problem of false alarms arises when both, ionization detectors and photoelectric smoke alarms fail to differentiate between the ionized air molecules and the smoke molecules. Thus, rather than turning on the fire alarm for flash fires, ionization smoke alarms or photoelectric smoke detectors can turn On when they sense water molecules in the vicinity.

How to stop humidifier from setting off smoke detector?

Having a smoke alarm installed for your entire house is crucial. Countless lives have been saved from dangerous fire accidents. However, having more false alarms on a regular basis can be difficult to deal with. The more false alarms you have, you may fail to take notice of a real alarm from flash fires. There are a few measures you can take to avoid false alarms.

How to stop humidifier from setting off smoke detector

A humidifier is an equally important unit to maintain healthy humidity levels indoors. If your fire alarm keeps going off due to your humidifier, you must address this false alarm as well. Let us take a look at how you can avoid false alarms from a humidifier trigger.

Humidity level

Having a built-in humidistat to monitor the humidity levels can help you to avoid false alarms. Using a humidifier to raise low humidity levels can sometimes lead to an area that has a high humidity level when the mist from the unit is released into the room. You must watch out that the relative humidity level in the room does not exceed 85%. You can ensure that the desired humidity set on the device is also not on the higher end. Relative humidity set and maintained under 85% can prevent a false alarm.

Humidity level

Humidifier placement

Fire marshals share another reason why humidifiers can trigger a false alarm assuming that they are detecting flash fires. Placing a humidifier near the bathroom is not ideal. Fire marshals suggest keeping the humidifier away from the bathroom.

Humidifier placement

Placing a warm mist or cool mist unit near the bathroom will not just increase the relative humidity levels of the place, but will also mistake the warm steam coming from the shower to be a fire. You can prevent your fire alarm from raising a false alarm by keeping humidifiers away from the bathroom area.

Smoke alarm sensitivity levels

Another easy way to prevent false alarms is by adjusting the sensitivity levels of the safety sensors. Most smoke detectors come with the facility to adjust their sensitivity level to humidity levels. Adjusting this level can prevent a false alarm from turning on.

Smoke alarm sensitivity levels

People residing in a moist climate will require a unit that is built to withstand higher humidity levels. It is recommended that you adjust the sensitivity to the humidity level and the temperature accordingly to prevent a false alarm.


Did you know that cleaning a smoke detector regularly is also important? The outer casing of the smoke alarm especially is a magnet for smoke molecules and water particles. As these water droplets remain on the outer casing they are allowing going to attract small insects and pests. Cleaning the inside and the outer casing of the smoke detector regularly can also prevent false alarms.

Best of both technologies

The sensitivity of a photoelectric smoke detector is different from ionization smoke detector. Some fire marshals suggest having ionization smoke detectors and photoelectric detectors. Even if one goes off due to a false alarm you will be able to recognize it from the other.

Increase ventilation

The excess moisture particles from the environment can be removed by using an exhaust fan. Increase ventilation by opening out the windows and doors whenever possible and turning on the exhaust fan when the humidity level is on the higher end. Expelling moisture particles from the area with an exhaust fan can help in avoiding false alarms from smoke detectors.

Increase ventilation

Why do smoke alarms go off for no reason?

If your smoke alarm is going off for no apparent reason, it is time that you change the batteries. If the false alarms continue despite changing the batteries, then it could indicate that it is time you looked into the internal parts or changes the whole set of smoke detectors. It is crucial to have smoke detectors in perfect working condition at all times.

Best smoke detector that can differentiate between smoke & steam:

There are plentiful smoke detectors available in the market for a house and other public places like shopping malls. Here we have for you the best smoke alarm available in the market that is equipped to differentiate between smoke particles and steam from humidifiers.

Best smoke detector that can differentiate between smoke & steam

Google Nest Protect

It is one of the best smoke detectors on the market that comes with several advanced features. Google Nest Protect is equipped with a voice alert system to speak up when smoke or Carbon monoxide is detected. It also has a light-in-the-dark feature, to light up the pathway as someone walks below. The Split-Spectrum Sensor in the Google Nest Protect is capable of identifying both fast and slow-burning fires.

Google Nest Protect

The best user-friendly and advanced feature of the Google Nest Protect smoke detector is its phone connectivity. Simply connect the fire alarm to your phone and receive updates and alerts on your phone anywhere with Wi-Fi access. You can receive updates and alerts on your phone for low batteries, friendly heads-up alerts, and even turn Off a false alarm from your phone.

Are you convinced this is the best smoke alarm you can find? Visit right away to purchase the Google Nest Protect fire alarm at the best price.

Pros and Cons of Google Nest Protect

  • Equipped with advanced sensors to identify smoke and Carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • In-built Split-Spectrum Sensor to identify fast and slow burning fires.
  • Phone connectivity with Wi-Fi to send voice alerts to your phone; on probable fire accidents, to turn Off fire alarm, low battery alert, etc.

FAQ Section

1. Can a cool mist humidifier set off smoke alarm?

A cool mist humidifier can trigger a fire alarm to turn On if the humidifier is too close to the smoke alarm and it has raised the humidity level of the room. One must remember that apart from the aspect of a cool mist or warm mist steam, the smoke alarm can raise its alarm when the humidity levels are high as well.

2. Can a diffuser set off a smoke alarm?

A diffuser will produce a very small cloud of smoke. Although it is equipment that heats the water it will not trigger the smoke alarm unless it has been deliberately held too close to the smoke detector while it runs or heats the water.

3. Can a humidifier cause carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is a by-product of oil and gas burning partially and it is very unlikely that a humidifier can lead to CO release. CO is a poisonous gas that is fatal and it is highly recommended by fire marshalls to have a CO detector or a fire alarm that has a CO detector in it.

4. Can a humidifier be a fire hazard?

A warm mist humidifier that uses hot water is a burn hazard. Any electrical device that is not carefully handled with the electrical lines and outlet can be a potential fire hazard.

Wrapping Up

That’s a wrap on the article. We trust the article was able to answer your doubts concerning how can a humidifier set off a smoke alarm. Share with us in the comments below your experiences with false alarms from using humidifiers. Let us know which is your most trusted smoke alarm available in the market and why.

About The Author

Charles Allen is an enthusiast of HVAC/indoor air. He has been fascinated by the way HVAC systems work since he was a child. He enjoys learning about new technologies and finding ways to improve the efficiency of HVAC systems. He is always looking for new ways to help people save money on their energy bills.